mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 18:27:45 +01:00
430 lines
10 KiB
430 lines
10 KiB
// This file was manually hacked directly from the compiled version downloaded from <https://vuesweeper.netlify.app/>.
// Change AppDeployPath from "/vuesweeper-core/" to wherever you put this folder on the server.
// Unfortunately Vue won't work with relative paths, only absolute, and won't work served from file:///.
var AppDeployPath = "/vuesweeper-core/";
var C = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var $ = (i, e, t) => e in i ? Object.defineProperty(i, e, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: t
}) : i[e] = t,
g = (i, e) => {
for (var t in e || (e = {})) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && $(i, t, e[t]);
if (C)
for (var t of C(e)) Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, t) && $(i, t, e[t]);
return i
p = (i, e) => Object.defineProperties(i, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e));
import { d as v, w as Z, o, c as u, a as _, u as q, b as E, r as S, e as f, F as x, t as b, f as H, n as P, g as z, h as y, i as K, j as W, k as d, l as w, m as G, p as k, q as J, s as Q, v as U, x as X, y as Y, z as ee } from "./vendor.js";
const te = function() {
const e = document.createElement("link").relList;
if (e && e.supports && e.supports("modulepreload")) return;
for (const n of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]')) r(n);
new MutationObserver(n => {
for (const s of n)
if (s.type === "childList")
for (const a of s.addedNodes) a.tagName === "LINK" && a.rel === "modulepreload" && r(a)
}).observe(document, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
function t(n) {
const s = {};
return n.integrity && (s.integrity = n.integrity), n.referrerpolicy && (s.referrerPolicy = n.referrerpolicy), n.crossorigin === "use-credentials" ? s.credentials = "include" : n.crossorigin === "anonymous" ? s.credentials = "omit" : s.credentials = "same-origin", s
function r(n) {
if (n.ep) return;
n.ep = !0;
const s = t(n);
fetch(n.href, s)
const ne = v({
props: {
passed: {
type: Boolean
setup(i) {
const e = i;
function t() {
const r = {
colors: ["#5D8C7B", "#F2D091", "#F2A679", "#D9695F", "#8C4646"],
shapes: ["square"],
ticks: 500
_(p(g({}, r), {
particleCount: 80,
spread: 100,
origin: {
y: 0
})), setTimeout(() => {
_(p(g({}, r), {
particleCount: 50,
angle: 60,
spread: 80,
origin: {
x: 0
}, 250), setTimeout(() => {
_(p(g({}, r), {
particleCount: 50,
angle: 120,
spread: 80,
origin: {
x: 1
}, 400)
return Z(() => e.passed, r => {
r && setTimeout(t, 300)
}, {
flush: "post"
}), (r, n) => (o(), u("div"))
j = q(),
se = E(j),
N = S(!1);
const re = {
key: 0,
"i-mdi-flag": "",
"text-red": ""
ae = {
key: 0,
"i-mdi-mine": ""
ie = {
key: 1,
"font-600": ""
oe = v({
props: {
block: null
emits: ["lrclick"],
setup(i, {
emit: e
}) {
function t(s) {
s.buttons === 3 && e("lrclick", s)
const r = ["text-transparent", "text-blue-500", "text-green-500", "text-yellow-500", "text-orange-500", "text-red-500", "text-purple-500", "text-pink-500", "text-teal-500"];
function n(s) {
return s.flagged ? "bg-gray-500/10" : s.revealed ? s.mine ? "bg-red-500/50" : r[s.adjacentMines] : "bg-gray-500/10 hover:bg-gray-500/20"
return (s, a) => (o(), u("button", {
flex: "~",
"items-center": "",
"justify-center": "",
"min-w-8": "",
"min-h-8": "",
m: "1px",
border: "0.5 gray-400/10",
class: P(n(i.block)),
onMousedown: t
}, [i.block.flagged ? (o(), u("div", re)) : i.block.revealed || f(N) ? (o(), u(x, {
key: 1
}, [i.block.mine ? (o(), u("div", ae)) : (o(), u("div", ie, b(i.block.adjacentMines), 1))], 64)) : H("", !0)], 34))
le = [
[1, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, -1],
[0, -1],
[-1, -1],
[-1, 0],
[-1, 1],
[0, 1]
class ue {
constructor(e, t, r) {
this.width = e, this.height = t, this.mines = r, this.state = S(), this.reset()
get board() {
return this.state.value.board
get blocks() {
return this.state.value.board.flat()
reset(e = this.width, t = this.height, r = this.mines) {
this.width = e, this.height = t, this.mines = r, this.state.value = {
mineGenerated: !1,
status: "ready",
board: Array.from({
length: this.height
}, (n, s) => Array.from({
length: this.width
}, (a, l) => ({
x: l,
y: s,
adjacentMines: 0,
revealed: !1
randomRange(e, t) {
return Math.random() * (t - e) + e
randomInt(e, t) {
return Math.round(this.randomRange(e, t))
generateMines(e, t) {
const r = () => {
const n = this.randomInt(0, this.width - 1),
s = this.randomInt(0, this.height - 1),
a = e[s][n];
return Math.abs(t.x - a.x) <= 1 && Math.abs(t.y - a.y) <= 1 || a.mine ? !1 : (a.mine = !0, !0)
length: this.mines
}, () => null).forEach(() => {
let n = !1;
for (; !n;) n = r()
}), this.updateNumbers()
updateNumbers() {
this.board.forEach(e => {
e.forEach(t => {
t.mine || this.getSiblings(t).forEach(r => {
r.mine && (t.adjacentMines += 1)
expendZero(e) {
e.adjacentMines || this.getSiblings(e).forEach(t => {
t.revealed || (t.flagged || (t.revealed = !0), this.expendZero(t))
onRightClick(e) {
this.state.value.status === "play" && (e.revealed || (e.flagged = !e.flagged))
onClick(e) {
if (this.state.value.status === "ready" && (this.state.value.status = "play", this.state.value.startMS = +new Date), !(this.state.value.status !== "play" || e.flagged)) {
if (this.state.value.mineGenerated || (this.generateMines(this.board, e), this.state.value.mineGenerated = !0), e.revealed = !0, e.mine) {
getSiblings(e) {
return le.map(([t, r]) => {
const n = e.x + t,
s = e.y + r;
if (!(n < 0 || n >= this.width || s < 0 || s >= this.height)) return this.board[s][n]
showAllMines() {
this.board.flat().forEach(e => {
e.mine && (e.revealed = !0)
checkGameState() {
if (!this.state.value.mineGenerated || this.state.value.status !== "play") return;
this.board.flat().some(t => !t.mine && !t.revealed) || this.onGameOver("won")
autoExpand(e) {
if (this.state.value.status !== "play" || e.flagged) return;
const t = this.getSiblings(e),
r = t.reduce((a, l) => a + (l.flagged ? 1 : 0), 0),
n = t.reduce((a, l) => a + (!l.revealed && !l.flagged ? 1 : 0), 0);
r === e.adjacentMines && t.forEach(a => {
a.revealed || a.flagged || (a.revealed = !0, this.expendZero(a), a.mine && this.onGameOver("lost"))
const s = e.adjacentMines - r;
n === s && t.forEach(a => {
!a.revealed && !a.flagged && (a.flagged = !0)
onGameOver(e) {
this.state.value.status = e, this.state.value.endMS = +Date.now(), e === "lost" && (this.showAllMines(), setTimeout(() => {
}, 10))
const ce = w(),
de = {
flex: "~ gap1",
"justify-center": "",
p4: ""
fe = {
flex: "~ gap-10",
"justify-center": ""
he = {
"font-mono": "",
"text-2xl": "",
flex: "~ gap-1",
"items-center": ""
me = d("div", {
"i-carbon-timer": ""
}, null, -1),
ge = {
"font-mono": "",
"text-2xl": "",
flex: "~ gap-1",
"items-center": ""
pe = d("div", {
"i-mdi-mine": ""
}, null, -1),
ve = {
p5: "",
"w-full": "",
"overflow-auto": ""
GameMain = v({
setup(i) {
const e = new ue(9, 9, 10),
t = z(),
r = y(() => {
var l, c;
return Math.round((((l = e.state.value.endMS) != null ? l : +t.value) - ((c = e.state.value.startMS) != null ? c : +t.value)) / 1e3)
// Export game object
window.vuesweeper = e;
// Actualy don't use localStorage, as saving the game state glitches after a while
//K("vuesweeper-state", e.state);
const n = y(() => e.board),
s = y(() => e.state.value.mineGenerated ? e.blocks.reduce((l, c) => l - (c.flagged ? 1 : 0), e.mines) : e.mines);
function a(l) {
switch (l) {
case "easy":
e.reset(9, 9, 10);
case "medium":
e.reset(16, 16, 40);
case "hard":
e.reset(16, 30, 99);
return W(() => {
}), (l, c) => {
const D = oe,
A = ne;
return o(), u("div", null, [ce, /*d("div", de, [
d("button", {
btn: "",
onClick: c[0] || (c[0] = h => f(e).reset())
}, " New Game "),
d("button", {
btn: "",
onClick: c[1] || (c[1] = h => a("easy"))
}, " Easy "),
d("button", {
btn: "",
onClick: c[2] || (c[2] = h => a("medium"))
}, " Medium "),
d("button", {
btn: "",
onClick: c[3] || (c[3] = h => a("hard"))
}, " Hard "),
]),*/ d("div", fe, [d("div", he, [me, w(" " + b(r.value), 1)]), d("div", ge, [pe, w(" " + b(s.value), 1)])]), d("div", ve, [(o(!0), u(x, null, G(n.value, (h, O) => (o(), u("div", {
key: O,
flex: "~",
"items-center": "",
"justify-center": "",
"w-max": "",
ma: ""
}, [(o(!0), u(x, null, G(h, (m, F) => (o(), J(D, {
key: F,
block: m,
onClick: M => f(e).onClick(m),
onLrclick: M => f(e).autoExpand(m),
onContextmenu: Q(M => f(e).onRightClick(m), ["prevent"])
}, null, 8, ["block", "onClick", "onLrclick", "onContextmenu"]))), 128))]))), 128))]), k(A, {
passed: f(e).state.value.status === "won"
}, null, 8, ["passed"])])
VueRoutes = [{
name: "index",
path: "/",
component: GameMain,
props: !0
}, {
name: AppDeployPath,
path: AppDeployPath,
component: GameMain,
props: !0
xe = {
"text-xl": "",
"mt-6": "",
"inline-flex": "",
"gap-2": ""
be = {
key: 0,
"i-carbon-moon": ""
we = {
key: 1,
"i-carbon-sun": ""
//Me = v({
// setup(i) {
// return (e, t) => (o(), u("nav", xe, [d("button", {
// class: "icon-btn !outline-none",
// onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = r => f(se)())
// }, /*[f(j) ? (o(), u("div", be)) : (o(), u("div", we))]*/)]))
// }
var Ce = (i, e) => {
const t = i.__vccOpts || i;
for (const [r, n] of e) t[r] = n;
return t
const $e = {},
Ge = {
"font-sans": "",
p: "y-10",
text: "center gray-700 dark:gray-200"
function Ee(i, e) {
const t = U("router-view");
//const r = Me;
return o(), u("main", Ge, [k(t), /*k(r)*/])
var Se = Ce($e, [
["render", Ee]
const AppRuntime = X(Se);
const RouteRuntime = Y({
history: ee(),
routes: VueRoutes