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} Video.SmallVideoQuote + Blockquote { Display: Inline-Block; Margin-Top: 0; Margin-Bottom: 0px; } #MainBox A:Not( .NoLinkLink, :Where(.NoLinkLink, .staticoso-SectionLink, #StatCounter, #RingsDiv) A ):Before { Content: '🔗 '; } #MainBox A:Not( .NoLinkLink, :Where(.NoLinkLink, .staticoso-SectionLink, #StatCounter, #RingsDiv) A ):After { Content: ''; Border-Radius: 0.125em; Display: Inline-Block; Width: 0.50em; Height: 0.50em; Margin-Bottom: -0.40em; Border-Bottom: 0.20em solid Var(--cPurpleDarker); Border-Right: 0.20em solid Var(--cPurpleDarker); Margin-Left: -0.40em; Opacity: 0.5; } Header > P > A > Img { Display: Inline !Important; } /* Clickable link at the left of every section title */ #SitesList B:Target, .staticoso-SectionTitle:Target { Color: Var(--cBasePinky) !Important; Background: Var(--cPurpleDarker) !Important; Text-Decoration: Underline; } .staticoso-SectionLink { Position: Absolute; Left: -1.5em; Opacity: 0.08; } .staticoso-SectionLink:Hover { Opacity: 0.8; } .staticoso-SectionLink > A::Before { Content: '🔗'; } .staticoso-SectionLink > A > Span { Font-Size: 0; } A:Hover:Not( .NoABigger, .NoHoverLight, :Where(.NoABigger, .NoHoverLight) A, :Where(H3, H4, H5, H6) > A ), :Where(.YesHoverLight, .YesHoverLight A):Hover { Color: Var(--cBasePinky) !Important; Background: Var(--cPurpleDarker) !Important; } .ImgShiftedH, .ImgShiftedH Img { Margin-Top: 4px; /* Margin-Bottom: -4px; */ } Details > Summary:hover { Font-Size: 15pt; } H1:hover { Font-Size: 28pt; } H2:hover { Font-Size: 21.5pt; } H3:hover { Font-Size: 17.5pt; } IFrame { Width: 100%; Max-Height: 90vh; } #Container { Max-Width: 100%; } #LeftBox, #RightBox { Max-Width: 90vw; Color: #fafaf0; Background: Var(--cBackDark); } :Where(#LeftBox, #RightBox, #BottomBox) A { Color: Var(--cBasePinky); } :Where(#LeftBox, #RightBox) Ul Li { List-Style-Type: None; } :Where(#LeftBox, #RightBox) Ul { Padding-Top: 0px; } #TopBox { Width: 100%; Padding: Var(--ContentPadding); } .HeaderElement { Border: 2px Solid Purple; Padding: 0px 8px 8px 8px; } :Where(#TopBox, #BottomBox) :Where(H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) { Display: Inline; 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} .ImgSidePadding :Where(Img, Video) { Padding-Left: 16px; Padding-Right: 16px; } .Pixelated, .Pixelated Img { Image-Rendering: Pixelated; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; } .MediaRow2 { Padding: 0px; } .MediaRow2:After { Content: ""; Clear: Both; Display: Table; } .MediaRow2 :Where(Img, Video) { Float: Left; Width: 50%; Padding: 4px; } #MainBoxTop, #BuildTimeLine { Color: #505050; } #BuildTimeLine > Span { Display: Inline-Block; } #BottomBox { Width: 100%; Color: #fafaf0; Background: RGBA(64, 0, 64, 0.6); Text-Align: Right; Padding: Var(--ContentPadding); Z-Index: -1; } #LeftBoxContainer, #RightBoxContainer { Position: Absolute; } #LeftBoxContainer, #RightBoxContainer, #BottomBoxContainer { Color: #808080; } #BottomBox, #BottomBoxContainer { Box-Sizing: Border-Box; Position: Fixed; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Right: 0; Width: 100%; } #BottomBoxContainer { Padding: Var(--ScreenBorderPadding); } #TopBoxLeft { Text-Align: Left; Display: Inline-Block; } #TopBoxRight { Text-Align: Right; Float: Right; Clear: Both; } /* #PrivacyPopup { Display: None; Visibility: Hidden; Position: Fixed; Z-Index: 16; Color: #fafaf0; Background: Var(--cBackDark); Max-Width: 60vw; Max-Height: 50vh; Overflow-Y: Scroll; Bottom: 64px; Right: Calc(Var(--ContentPadding) * 2); Padding: Var(--ContentPadding); Padding-Bottom: Calc(Var(--ContentPadding) * 2); } */ #MainBoxGlobalFooter, #StatCounter, .Center { Text-Align: Center; } #MainBoxGlobalFooter span { Vertical-Align: Top; } #LeftBoxCheck, #LeftBoxLabel { Float: Left; Left: 0; Margin: Var(--ScreenBorderPadding); } #RightBoxCheck, #RightBoxLabel { Float: Right; Right: 0; Margin: Var(--ScreenBorderPadding); } #BottomBoxCheck, #BottomBoxLabel { Float: Left; Left: 0; Margin: Var(--ScreenBorderPadding); } #LeftBoxCheck, #RightBoxCheck, #BottomBoxCheck { Position: Fixed; Opacity: 0; } :Checked ~ .ToggleBox { Display: None; Visibility: Hidden; } /* No selezione */ #LeftBox, #LeftBoxContainer, #RightBox, #RightBoxContainer, #BottomBoxCheck, #BottomBoxLabel { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; User-Select: none; } /* @Media (Min-Width: 1000px) { #MainBox { Top: 0px; Left: Unset; Right: 2.5%; Width: 72%; } #LeftBoxContainer, #RightBoxContainer { Float: None; Width: 24%; Position: Static; } #LeftBox, #RightBox { Padding: 0px; Margin: 0px; } } */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------* * Gradienti * *--------------------------------------------------------*/ .MainIdTextGradientL { Background: linear-gradient(to left, #d000d0, #8040d0); Color: Transparent; -webkit-background-clip: Text; Background-Clip: Text; } .MainIdTextGradientR { Background: linear-gradient(to right, #d000d0, #8040d0); Color: Transparent; -webkit-background-clip: Text; Background-Clip: Text; } /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------* * Animazioni * *--------------------------------------------------------*/ H1, H2, H3, A, Img, Video, Summary { Transition: 0.3s; } /*--------------------------------------------------------*/