By visiting it, in addition to simply being able to access links to some of my other online profiles, it is possible to have cryptographic proof of the fact that any given account belongs to me, and not to any _sus impostor_.
It is also possible to take my public PGP key, or use the convenient interface of the app (web or otherwise), to reliably encrypt secret messages to send to me.
# End?
For now, I'm sorry, but that's all. If you want to know more, you'll first have to wait until I think of new stuff to write. Don't hope too much, though, considering that this page hasn't expanded substantially for months and months 😬.
Here on the site, however, I have not yet had clear enough ideas, nor the necessary patience, to create huge collections on all those elements of knowledge that I possess on very particular subjects. For the moment, at the cost of almost never adding anything, I avoid filling the post with **too much** information; However, I throw them all on [OcttKB](https://kb.octt.eu.org).
![Me on Animal Crossing Wild World.]({{ ASSETS_ROOT }}/Media/Animal-Crossing/ACWW-Me-2022-08-01.avif)
_I? Skin. Absolutely indisputable._
_You? Meh, maybe.. I think???_