#!/usr/bin/env node require('./Lib/Syncers.js').importAll(); const Path = require('path'); const Http = require('http'); const Https = require('https'); // true: Reuse the local directory structure for URL slugs // false: Keep a flat URL slug composing only of the file name const KeepTree = false; // Local OAuth server const Host = ''; let [Auth, Session] = [ JSON.parse(process.env.WordpressAuth || '{}'), JSON.parse(process.env.WordpressSession || '{}'), ]; const ApiBase = 'public-api.wordpress.com'; const Msg = { NoAuth: '\nPlease set the "WordpressAuth" ENV variable as a JSON string with keys "client_id" and "client_secret".\n()', NoSession: "\nNo valid session is available. You need to log in.\nOpen this link in a Web browser to log into Wordpress.com:\n", GotSession: '\nGot a new session string. Store it, and load it via the "WordpressSession" ENV variable for future use:\n', }; const AuthHeaders = () => { return { headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${Session.access_token}`, }, }; }; let [LocalPosts, RemotePosts] = [[], []]; let FetchingRemotePosts = false; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/73594511 Fs.walkSync = (Dir, Files = []) => { const dirFiles = Fs.readdirSync(Dir); for (const f of dirFiles) { const stat = Fs.lstatSync(Dir + Path.sep + f) if (stat.isDirectory()) { Fs.walkSync(Dir + Path.sep + f, Files); } else { Files.push(Dir + Path.sep + f); }; }; return Files; }; // https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/ const AuthServer = () => { const Serv = Http.createServer((Req, Res) => { Res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); const Query = new URLSearchParams(Req.url.slice(1).replaceAll('?', '')); const AuthCode = Query.get('code'); if (AuthCode) { Res.statusCode = 200; Res.end('This window can now be closed.'); Req = Https.request({ method: "POST", host: ApiBase, path: "/oauth2/token", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, }, (Res) => { let Data = ''; Res.on('data', (Frag) => { Data += Frag; }).on('end', () => { console.log(`${Msg.GotSession}'${Data}'`); Session = JSON.parse(Data); }); }); Req.write(`&client_id=${Auth.client_id}&client_secret=${Auth.client_secret}&code=${AuthCode}&redirect_uri=http://${Host}:${Serv.address().port}&grant_type=authorization_code`); Req.end(); }; Res.statusCode = 500; Res.end(); }); Serv.listen(0, Host, () => { if (Auth.client_id && Auth.client_secret) { console.log(`${Msg.NoSession}`); } else { console.log(Msg.NoAuth); Serv.close(); }; }); }; const GetRemotePosts = (Page) => { FetchingRemotePosts = true; const Opts = { Url: `https://${ApiBase}/rest/v1.1/sites/${Session.blog_id}/posts/`, fields: "ID,slug,status,categories,tags,title,content", page_handle: encodeURIComponent(Page || ''), }; Https.get(`${Opts.Url}?&fields=${Opts.fields}&context=edit&page_handle=${Opts.page_handle}`, AuthHeaders(), (Res) => { let Data = ''; Res.on('data', (Frag) => { Data += Frag; }).on('end', () => { const JsonData = JSON.parse(Data); const NextPage = JsonData.meta.next_page; RemotePosts = RemotePosts.concat(JsonData.posts); if (NextPage) { GetRemotePosts(NextPage); process.stdout.write('.'); } else { FetchingRemotePosts = false; }; }); }); }; const TryUpsync = () => { console.log('[I] Reading local posts...'); Fs.walkSync('./Posts').forEach((File) => { let Content = Fs.readFileSync(File, 'utf8').trim(); const Meta = ParseMeta(Content.split('\n\n')[0]); if (Meta.Meta.Type === 'Post' || !Meta.Meta.Type) { Content = Content.split('\n\n').slice('1').join('\n\n'); const Slug = KeepTree ? File.slice('./Posts/'.length) : File.split('/').slice(-1)[0]; const Obj = { Path: Slug, Meta: Meta, Content: Content, }; LocalPosts.push(Obj); //LocalPosts[Slug] = Obj; }; }); console.log(LocalPosts); console.log('[I] Fetching remote posts...'); GetRemotePosts(); var Interv = setInterval(() => { if (!FetchingRemotePosts) { clearInterval(Interv); console.log(RemotePosts); // Find out which posts exist on remote and which not // Exist on remote and local: // Check if remote data is same as local, update remote if not // https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/1.1/post/sites/%24site/posts/%24post_ID/ // Exist on local only: // Create blank post on remote (as draft), then edit it like the first case // https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/1.1/post/sites/%24site/posts/new/ // Exist on remote only: // Was probably deleted or moved locally, what to do here? }; }, 50); }; if (!Session.access_token) { AuthServer(); }; if (Session.access_token) { TryUpsync(); };