const Exp = {}; Exp.Fs = require('fs'); // Exp.importAll = function importAll(){ delete this.importAll; Object.assign(global, this); }; Exp.CssAllHeadings = ' h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'; Exp.TryStringToList = In => { if (typeof(In) == 'string') { return In.split(','); } else { return In; }; }; Exp.Range = (Start, Stop, Step) => { Step = Step || 1; return Array.from( { length: (Stop - Start) / Step + 1 }, (value, index) => Start + index * Step, ); }; Exp.RawDataCssRule = RawData => { //RawData = => { // return({animal: x}); //}); //var JsonData = {}; //RawData.forEach(function(Val) { // sad, variable name not transcribed with function pass // var [Name] = Object.keys({Val}); // Object.assign(JsonData, JSON.parse(`{"${Name}": "${Val}"}`)); //}); // TODO: Handle apostrophes? return `#RawDataCssInject{background:url('${JSON.stringify(RawData)}');}`;//'\n/*' + JSON.stringify(JsonData) + '*/'; }; Exp.Unpack = (Left, Middle, Right) => { var Str = ''; TryStringToList(Middle).forEach(function(Target) { Str += `${Left}${Target}${Right}`; }); return Str; }; // Make a CSS string basically emulating the :where selector, for old browsers Exp.Where = (Left, Middle, Right) => { var Style = ''; TryStringToList(Middle).forEach(function(Target) { Style += `${Left}${Target}${Right},`; }); return Style.slice(0, -1); }; module.exports = Exp;