// Issue on Firefox 69 / Chromium: Getting background CSS property doesn't work, maybe background: url('') is invalid for ? Maybe use content: ''? //var RawDataCss = JSON.parse(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('RawDataCssInject')).background.split('url("')[1].split('")').slice(0, -1).join('")').replaceAll('\\\"', '\"')); /* Hyperbroken var MediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${RawDataCss.DeskModeMinWid})`); var SectionMenu = document.querySelector('#RightBoxContainer > Details'); var SectionButton = SectionMenu.querySelector('Summary'); var NormalOpen = SectionMenu.open; SectionButton.onclick = function() { if (!MediaQuery.matches) { // For some reason without the ! it sets the opposite of what's really happening??? // Maybe the onclick event fires before the details element is actually opened by the click? NormalOpen = !SectionMenu.open; }; }; function MediaQueryCheck(Query) { if (MediaQuery.matches) SectionMenu.open = true; // Go in desktop mode else SectionMenu.open = NormalOpen; // Going in normal mode // we must when handle user manually disable desktop mode if we want hide the button //SectionButton.style.display = {true: "none", false: ""}[Query.matches]; }; MediaQuery.addListener(MediaQueryCheck); MediaQueryCheck(MediaQuery); */ var BackgroundFilter = getComputedStyle(Background).filter; function ResetShowPageBg() { Background.onclick = null; Background.style.cursor = ''; Background.style.filter = BackgroundFilter; Body.style.overflow = ''; [Header, Container].forEach(function(El) { ['visibility', 'overflow'].forEach(function(Prop) { El.style[Prop] = ''; }); }); }; function ShowPageBg() { [Header, Container].forEach(function(El) { ['visibility', 'overflow'].forEach(function(Prop) { El.style[Prop] = 'hidden'; }); }); Body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; Background.style.filter = 'none'; Background.style.cursor = 'pointer'; Background.onclick = ResetShowPageBg; }; var PageBgEl = document.getElementById('fn:PageBg'); if (PageBgEl) { var PageBgPar = PageBgEl.querySelector('p'); var PageBgTokens = PageBgPar.innerHTML.split(''); PageBgPar.innerHTML = PageBgTokens[0] + ' ' + PageBgTokens.slice(1, -1); };