# browserocto A small browser app for Android I created to be able to, for those that don't directly support it, quickly adapt websites I want to have as offline progressive web apps. I still have to make the app more usable on older Android versions, add some missing basic features (custom shortcuts icon), and I think I plan on adding more unrelated features in the future. ## Releases Go to [-/releases](https://gitlab.com/octtspacc/browserocto) to get the latest built release APKs. ## Building Building this project has been tested with the following methods: - Using the amazing scripts provided by the tiny-android-template project (thanks to [jbendtsen](https://github.com/jbendtsen/tiny-android-template)!): - Read [.gitlab-ci.yml](./.gitlab-ci.yml) to discover how - Using the [AIDE - IDE for Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aide.ui) app