#!/usr/bin/env python3 import base64 import os import time import email, smtplib, ssl from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from email import encoders from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from Config import * MediaDescsBlock = '
Media descriptions
' MainDivStyle = "word-wrap:break-word;" AttachStyle = "max-width:100%; max-height:100vh;" AvatarStyle = "max-height:4em;" EmojiStyle = "max-height:1em;" def SureList(Item): return Item if type(Item) == list else [Item] def MakePathStr(Str): for c in ('<>:"/\\|?*'): Str = Str.replace(c, '_') if not SpacesInFiles: Str = Str.replace(' ', '_') return Str def SleepPrint(s): print(f"[I] Sleeping for {s}s...") time.sleep(s) def MakeMediaDescsBlock(Content): return MediaDescsBlock.format(Content=Content) if Content else '' def HandleFeedsList(List): for Feed in List: print(f"[I] Handling Feed ->\n: {Feed}") HandleFeed( URLs=SureList(Feed['URLs']), IncludeRetoots=Feed['IncludeRetoots'] if 'IncludeRetoots' in Feed else True, IncludeReplies=Feed['IncludeReplies'] if 'IncludeReplies' in Feed else True, LocalSave=Feed['LocalSave'] if 'LocalSave' in Feed else True, SendMail=Feed['SendMail'] if 'SendMail' in Feed else True if 'To' in Feed and Feed['To'] else False, MailTo=SureList(Feed['MailTo']) if 'MailTo' in Feed and Feed['MailTo'] else []) def HandleFeed(URLs, IncludeRetoots, IncludeReplies, LocalSave, SendMail, MailTo): for URL in URLs: if not (LocalSave or SendMail): print("[I] Partial dry-run for this URL (LocalSave and SendMail are disabled).") URL = URL.removesuffix('/').removesuffix('/with_replies') + '/with_replies' Usertag = f"{URL.split('/')[-2]}@{URL.split('/')[-3]}" Pages = [] LastEntryIsNew, PageOlder = HandleURL(True, URL, Usertag, IncludeRetoots, IncludeReplies, LocalSave, SendMail, MailTo, 1) if LastEntryIsNew and PageOlder: Pages += [PageOlder] while LastEntryIsNew and PageOlder and (MaxPagesRecursion <= 0 or len(Pages) < MaxPagesRecursion): LastEntryIsNew, PageOlder = HandleURL(True, PageOlder, Usertag, IncludeRetoots, IncludeReplies, LocalSave, SendMail, MailTo, 1) if LastEntryIsNew and PageOlder: Pages += [PageOlder] Pages.reverse() for Page in Pages: TryCount, Try0, Try1 = 0, False, False while not Try0 and not Try1: # Handle retries TryCount += 1 Try0, Try1 = HandleURL(False, Page, Usertag, IncludeRetoots, IncludeReplies, LocalSave, SendMail, MailTo, TryCount) def HandleURL(IsFirstRun, URL, Usertag, IncludeRetoots, IncludeReplies, LocalSave, SendMail, MailTo, TryCount): LastEntryIsNew = False PageOlder = '' try: print(f"-> Page: {URL}") Response = urlopen(Request(URL, headers={'User-Agent':UserAgent})) Data = Response.read() Soup = BeautifulSoup(Data, 'html.parser') Feed = Soup.find_all('div', class_='entry') Feed.reverse() # Order from oldest to newest Index = 0 for Entry in Feed: MediaDescs, HTMLAttach, MailAttach = '', '', [] Anchor = Entry.find('a', class_='u-url') if Anchor: GlobalId = Anchor['href'].removeprefix('https://').removeprefix('http://') Index += 1 else: Anchor = Entry.find('a', class_='load-more') if Anchor: if '?max_id=' in Anchor['href']: PageOlder = Anchor['href'] continue if os.path.isfile(DbFile): with open(DbFile, 'r') as Db: if f'{Usertag} {GlobalId}' in Db.read().splitlines(): continue if Index == 1: LastEntryIsNew = True if IsFirstRun: break LocalId = GlobalId.split('/')[-1] Username = Entry.find('a', class_='status__display-name').get_text().strip() Content = Entry.find('div', class_='e-content') StatusPrepend = Entry.find('div', class_='status__prepend') StatusPrepend = StatusPrepend.get_text().strip()[len(Username):] if StatusPrepend else '' StatusPrepend = ' ' + StatusPrepend.strip() if StatusPrepend else '' if not IncludeRetoots and StatusPrepend: continue if not StatusPrepend and IncludeReplies and Entry.find('i', class_='fa-reply-all'): StatusPrepend = ' replied' Title = Content.get_text().strip() Title = f"{Usertag}{StatusPrepend}: {Title[:32]}..." for Emoji in Entry.find_all('img', class_='custom-emoji'): # Custom emojis in text Emoji['style'] = EmojiStyle Entry.find('img', class_='u-photo account__avatar')['style'] = AvatarStyle # Profile pics Entry.find('div', class_='status__action-bar').replace_with('') print(f"-> Item: {LocalId} - {Title}") HTML = f"""\


{Entry} {{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:HTMLAttach }} {{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:MediaDescs }}

Via https://gitlab.com/octospacc/bottocto/-/tree/main/MastodonFeedHTML

""" Attachments = Entry.find('ul', class_='attachment-list__list') if Attachments and (LocalSave or SendMail): for Attachment in Attachments: Href, Alt = '', '' Attachment = str(Attachment).strip().replace("'",'"').split('"') for i,e in enumerate(Attachment): if e.endswith('{Alt}\n' if LocalSave: Tag = 'img' if Mime.split('/')[0] == 'image' else Mime.split('/')[0] Opening = f'<{Tag} alt="{Alt}" title="{Alt}"' if Tag == 'img' else f'<{Tag} controls' Closing = '>' if Tag == 'img' else f">" HTMLAttach += f'
{Opening} style="{AttachStyle}" src="data:{Mime};base64,{base64.b64encode(Data).decode()}"{Closing}
\n' if SendMail: File = MIMEBase(Mime.split('/')[0], Mime.split('/')[1]) File.set_payload(Data) encoders.encode_base64(File) File.add_header( "Content-Disposition", f"attachment; filename={Href.split('/')[-1]}") MailAttach += [File] if SendMail: Message = MIMEMultipart() Message['From'] = MailUsername Message['To'] = ', '.join(MailTo) Message['Subject'] = Title Message.attach(MIMEText(HTML .replace('{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:HTMLAttach }', '') .replace('{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:MediaDescs }', MakeMediaDescsBlock(MediaDescs)), 'html')) for File in MailAttach: Message.attach(File) if MailEncryption.lower() == 'ssl': Mailer = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(MailServer, MailPort, context=ssl.create_default_context()) elif MailEncryption.lower() in ('tls', 'none'): Mailer = smtplib.SMTP(MailServer, MailPort) if MailEncryption.lower() == 'tls': Mailer.starttls(context=ssl.create_default_context()) else: print("[E] MailEncryption variable is set incorrectly. Cannot continue. Please check your config.") exit(1) Mailer.login(MailUsername, MailPassword) Mailer.sendmail(MailUsername, MailTo, Message.as_string()) Mailer.quit() SleepPrint(MailSleep) if LocalSave: LocalBackupDir = MakePathStr(Usertag) if not os.path.isdir(LocalBackupDir): os.mkdir(LocalBackupDir) FileName = MakePathStr(f"{GlobalId.split('/')[-1]} - {Title}") with open(f'{LocalBackupDir}/{FileName}.html', 'w') as File: File.write(HTML .replace('{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:HTMLAttach }', HTMLAttach) .replace('{ Replace:MastodonFeedHTML:MediaDescs }', MakeMediaDescsBlock(MediaDescs))) with open(DbFile, 'a') as Db: Db.write(f'{Usertag} {GlobalId}' + '\n') SleepPrint(ItemSleep) SleepPrint(PageSleep) return LastEntryIsNew, PageOlder except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: print(e) # TODO: Should get the cached images from the local instance return True, True else: if TryCount == MaxTryCount: return True, True print(e) SleepPrint(PageSleep * (1.5**TryCount)) return False, False except Exception: raise if __name__ == '__main__': while True: print("[I] Scraping...") HandleFeedsList(Feeds) if LoopTime <= 0: exit() SleepPrint(LoopTime)