
152 lines
5.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import base64
import feedparser
import os
import urllib.request
import email, smtplib, ssl
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from email import encoders
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
URLs = [""]
Receivers = [""]
Sender = ""
Password = "Example"
Server = ""
Port = 465
OnlyOwnPosts = False
MailSend = False
LocalSave = True
NoSpacesFile = False
StripWS = '\t\r\n'
def MakePathStr(Str):
for c in ('<>:"/\\|?*'):
Str = Str.replace(c, '_')
if NoSpacesFile:
Str = Str.replace(' ', '_')
return Str
def Main():
for URL in URLs:
URL = URL.rstrip('/').rstrip('/with_replies') + '/with_replies'
Usertag = f"{URL.split('/')[-2]}@{URL.split('/')[-3]}"
Response = urllib.request.urlopen(URL)
Data =
Soup = BeautifulSoup(Data, 'html.parser')
Feed = Soup.find_all('div', class_='entry')
Feed.reverse() # Order from oldest to newest
for Entry in Feed:
Attached = ''
GlobalId = Entry.find('a', class_='u-url')['href'].lstrip('https://').lstrip('http://')
LocalId = GlobalId.split('/')[-1]
Username = Entry.find('a', class_='status__display-name').get_text().strip(StripWS)
Content = Entry.find('div', class_='e-content')
StatusPrepend = Entry.find('div', class_='status__prepend')
StatusPrepend = StatusPrepend.get_text().strip(StripWS)[len(Username):] if StatusPrepend else ''
StatusPrepend = ' ' + StatusPrepend.strip(StripWS) if StatusPrepend else ''
if OnlyOwnPosts and StatusPrepend:
Title = Content.get_text().strip(StripWS)
Title = f"{Usertag}{StatusPrepend}: {Title[:32]}..."
for Emoji in Entry.find_all('img', class_='custom-emoji'):
Emoji['style'] = 'max-height:1em;'
Attachments = Entry.find('ul', class_='attachment-list__list')
if Attachments:
for Attachment in Attachments:
Href, Alt = '', ''
Attachment = str(Attachment).strip(StripWS).replace("'",'"').split('"')
for i,e in enumerate(Attachment):
if e.endswith('<a href='):
Href = Attachment[i+1]
elif e.endswith('title='):
Alt = "'".join(Attachment[i+1:-1])
if Href:
Response = urllib.request.urlopen(Href)
Data =
Type = 'img' if Href.lower().endswith(('.png','.jpg','.jpeg')) else 'img'
Mime = f"image/{Href.lower().split('.')[-1]}"
Opening = f'<{Type} alt="{Alt}" title="{Alt}"' if Type == 'img' else f'<{Type} controls'
Closing = '>' if Type == 'img' else f"></{Type}>"
Attached += f"""{Opening} style="max-width:100%;max-height:100vh;" src="data:{Mime};base64,{base64.b64encode(Data).decode()}"{Closing}\n"""
Entry.find('img', class_='u-photo account__avatar')['style'] = 'max-height:2em;'#'display:none; visibility:hidden;'
Entry.find('div', class_='status__action-bar').replace_with('')
if os.path.isfile('MastodonFeedToHTML.db'):
with open('MastodonFeedToHTML.db', 'r') as Db:
if GlobalId in
pass #continue
print(f"-> {LocalId} - {Title}")
HTML = f"""\
{{ Replace:Attached }}
<p><i>Via <a href=""></a></i></p>
if MailSend:
Message = MIMEMultipart()
Message['From'] = Sender
Message['To'] = ', '.join(Receivers)
Message['Subject'] = Entry['title']
Message.attach(MIMEText(HTML.replace('{ Replace:Attached }', ''), 'html'))
for Link in []:#Entry['links']:
if Link['type'].startswith(('audio/', 'image/', 'video/')):
Response = urllib.request.urlopen(Link['href'])
Data =
Type = 'img' if Link['type'].startswith('image/') else Link['type'].split('/')[0]
Opening = f"<{Type}" if Type == 'img' else f"<{Type} controls"
Closing = '>' if Type == 'img' else f"></{Type}>"
Attached += f"""{Opening} style="max-width:100%;max-height:100vh;" src="data:{Link['type']};base64,{base64.b64encode(Data).decode()}"{Closing}\n"""
if MailSend:
File = MIMEBase(Link['type'].split('/')[0], Link['type'].split('/')[1])
f"attachment; filename= {Link['href'].split('/')[-1]}",
if MailSend:
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(Server, Port, context=ssl.create_default_context()) as Client:
Client.login(Sender, Password)
Client.sendmail(Sender, Receivers, Message.as_string())
if LocalSave:
LocalBackupDir = MakePathStr(Usertag)
if not os.path.isdir(LocalBackupDir):
FileName = MakePathStr(f"{GlobalId.split('/')[-1]} - {Title}")
with open(f'{LocalBackupDir}/{FileName}.html', 'w') as File:
File.write(HTML.replace('{ Replace:Attached }', Attached))
with open('MastodonFeedToHTML.db', 'a') as Db:
pass #Db.write(GlobalId + '\n')
except Exception:
if __name__ == '__main__':