
416 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ==================================== #
# WinDog multi-purpose chatbot #
# Licensed under AGPLv3 by OctoSpacc #
# ==================================== #
import json, time
from glob import glob
from hashlib import new as hashlib_new
from html import escape as html_escape, unescape as html_unescape
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, isdir
from random import choice, choice as randchoice, randint
from sys import exc_info as sys_exc_info
from threading import Thread
from traceback import format_exc, format_exc as traceback_format_exc
from urllib import parse as urlparse, parse as urllib_parse
from yaml import load as yaml_load, BaseLoader as yaml_BaseLoader
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from LibWinDog.Types import *
from LibWinDog.Config import *
from LibWinDog.Database import *
from LibWinDog.Utils import *
def app_log(text:str=None, level:str="?", *, newline:bool|None=None, inline:bool=False) -> None:
if not text:
text = get_exception_text(full=True)
endline = '\n'
if newline == False or (inline and newline == None):
endline = ''
text = (str(text) if inline else f"[{level}] [{time.ctime()}] [{int(time.time())}] {text}")
if LogToConsole:
print(text, end=endline)
if LogToFile:
open((DumpToFile if (DumpToFile and type(DumpToFile) == str) else "./Data/Log.txt"), 'a').write(text + endline)
def get_exception_text(full:bool=False):
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys_exc_info()
text = f'{exc_type.__qualname__}: {exc_value}'
if full:
text = f'@{exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_code.co_name}:{exc_traceback.tb_lineno} {text}'
return text
def good_yaml_load(text:str):
return yaml_load(text.replace("\t", " "), Loader=yaml_BaseLoader)
def data_to_dict(data:object):
def dict_filter_meta(dikt:dict):
remove = []
for key in dikt:
if key.startswith('_'):
elif type(obj := dikt[key]) == dict:
dikt[key] = dict_filter_meta(obj)
for key in remove:
return dikt
return dict_filter_meta(json.loads(json.dumps(data, default=(lambda obj: (obj.__dict__ if not callable(obj) else None)))))
def data_to_json(data:object, **jsonargs):
return json.dumps(data_to_dict(data), **jsonargs)
def get_string(bank:dict, query:str, lang:str=None) -> str|list[str]|None:
if type(result := obj_get(bank, query)) != str:
if not (result := obj_get(bank, f"{query}.{lang or DefaultLanguage}")):
if not (result := obj_get(bank, f"{query}.en")):
result = obj_get(bank, query)
if result:
result = result.strip()
return result
def get_help_text(endpoint, lang:str=None, prefix:str=None) -> str:
if type(endpoint) == str:
endpoint = instanciate_endpoint(endpoint, prefix)
global_string = (lambda query: get_string(GlobalStrings, query, lang))
text = f'{endpoint.get_string("summary", lang) or ""}\n\n{global_string("usage")}: {prefix or ""}{}'
if endpoint.arguments:
for argument in endpoint.arguments:
if not ((endpoint.body != None) and (endpoint.arguments[argument] == False)):
argument_help = (endpoint.get_string(f"arguments.{argument}", lang)
or endpoint.module.get_string(f"arguments.{argument}", lang)
or argument)
if endpoint.arguments[argument] == True:
text += f' <{argument_help}>'
elif endpoint.arguments[argument] == False:
text += f' [{argument_help}]'
body_help = (endpoint.get_string("body", lang) or endpoint.module.get_string("body", lang))
quoted_help = (global_string("quoted_message") + (f': {body_help}' if body_help else ''))
if not body_help:
body_help = global_string("text")
if endpoint.body == False and endpoint.quoted == False:
text += f' <{global_string("text")} {global_string("or")} {global_string("quoted_message")}: {body_help}>'
if endpoint.body == True:
text += f' <{body_help}>'
elif endpoint.body == False:
text += f' [{body_help}]'
if endpoint.quoted == True:
text += f' <{quoted_help}>'
elif endpoint.quoted == False:
text += f' [{quoted_help}]'
if (extra := call_or_return(endpoint.help_extra, endpoint, lang)):
text += f'\n\n{extra}'
return text
def parse_command_arguments(command, endpoint, count:int=None):
arguments = SafeNamespace()
body = command.body
index = 1
for key in (endpoint.arguments or range(count)):
if (not count) and (endpoint.body != None) and (endpoint.arguments[key] == False):
continue # skip optional (False) arguments for now if command expects a body, they will be implemented later
value = command.tokens[index]
body = body[len(value):].strip()
except IndexError:
value = None
arguments[str(key)] = value
index += 1
return [arguments, body]
def TextCommandData(text:str, platform:str=None) -> CommandData|None:
if not text:
return None
text = text.strip()
try: # ensure text is non-empty and an actual command
if not (text[0] in CommandPrefixes and text[1:].strip()):
return None
except IndexError:
return None
command = SafeNamespace()
command.tokens = text.split()
command.prefix = command.tokens[0][0], command_target = (command.tokens[0][1:].lower().split('@') + [''])[:2]
if command_target and platform and not (command_target == call_or_return(Platforms[platform].agent_info).tag.lower()):
return None
command.body = text[len(command.tokens[0]):].strip()
if not (endpoint := obj_get(Endpoints,
return command # TODO shouldn't this return None?
command.parse_arguments = (lambda count=None: parse_command_arguments(command, endpoint, count))
if endpoint.arguments:
[command.arguments, command.body] = command.parse_arguments()
return command
def on_input_message_parsed(data:InputMessageData) -> None:
dump_message(data, prefix='> ')
handle_bridging(send_message, data, from_sent=False)
def on_output_message_sent(output_data:OutputMessageData, input_data:InputMessageData, from_sent:bool) -> None:
if (not from_sent) and input_data:
output_data = ObjectUnion(output_data, {"room":})
dump_message(output_data, prefix=f'<{"*" if from_sent else " "}')
if not from_sent:
handle_bridging(send_message, output_data, from_sent=True)
def handle_bridging(method:callable, data:MessageData, from_sent:bool):
if data.user:
if (text_plain := obj_get(data, "text_plain")):
text_plain = f"<{}>: {text_plain}"
if (text_html := obj_get(data, "text_html")):
text_html = (urlparse.quote(f"<{}>: ") + text_html)
for bridge in BridgesConfig:
if not in bridge:
rooms = list(bridge)
for room_id in rooms:
ObjectUnion(data, {"room": SafeNamespace(id=room_id)}, ({"text_plain": text_plain, "text_markdown": None, "text_html": text_html} if data.user else None)),
def check_bot_admin(data:InputMessageData|UserData) -> bool:
user = (data.user or data)
return (( in AdminIds) or (user.tag in AdminIds))
# TODO make this real
def check_room_admin(data:InputMessageData|UserData) -> bool:
return check_bot_admin(data)
def update_user_db(user:SafeNamespace) -> None:
if not (user and
User.get( ==
except User.DoesNotExist:
user_hash = ("sha256:" + hashlib_new("sha256",
User.get(User.id_hash == user_hash)
User.update( == user_hash).execute()
except User.DoesNotExist:
User.create(, id_hash=user_hash)
def dump_message(data:InputMessageData, prefix:str='') -> None:
if not (Debug and (DumpToFile or DumpToConsole)):
text = (data.text_plain.replace('\n', '\\n') if data.text_plain else '')
text = f"{prefix} [{int(time.time())}] [{time.ctime()}] [{ and}] [{data.message_id}] [{data.user and}] {text}"
if DumpToConsole:
print(text, data)
if DumpToFile:
open((DumpToFile if (DumpToFile and type(DumpToFile) == str) else "./Data/Dump.txt"), 'a').write(text + '\n')
def send_status(context:EventContext, code:int, lang:str=None, extra:str=None, preamble:bool=True, summary:bool=True):
global_string = (lambda query: get_string(GlobalStrings, query, lang))
summary_text = (global_string(f"statuses.{code}.summary") or '')
return send_message(context, {"text_html": (
(((f'{global_string(f"statuses.{code}.icon")} {global_string("error") if code >= 400 else ""}'.strip()
+ f' {code}: {global_string(f"statuses.{code}.title")}. {summary_text if summary else ""}').strip()) if preamble else '')
+ '\n\n' + (extra or "")).strip()}, status=code)
def send_status_400(context:EventContext, lang:str=None, extra:str=None):
return send_status(context, 400, lang,
f'{context.endpoint.get_help_text(lang)}\n\n{extra or ""}', preamble=False, summary=False)
def send_status_error(context:EventContext, lang:str=None, code:int=500, extra:str=None):
result = send_status(context, code, lang,
f'{html_escape(get_exception_text())}\n\n{extra or ""}')
return result
def get_link(context:EventContext, data:InputMessageData):
data = (InputMessageData(**data) if type(data) == dict else data)
if ( and ="{context.platform}:")
if data.message_id:
data.message_id = data.message_id.removeprefix(f"{context.platform}:")
if ="{context.platform}:")
return Platforms[context.platform].linker(data)
def get_media_token_hash(url:str, timestamp:int, access_token:str):
return urlsafe_b64encode(hmac_new(access_token.encode(), f"{url}:{timestamp}".encode(), sha256).digest()).decode()
def get_media_link(url:str, type:str=None, timestamp:int=None, access_token:str=None):
urllow = url.lower()
if not (urllow.startswith('http') or urllow.startswith('https') or urllow.startswith('/')):
if not (timestamp and access_token):
return None
url = WebConfig["url"] + f"/api/v1/FileProxy/?url={url}&type={type or ''}&timestamp={timestamp}&token={get_media_token_hash(url, timestamp, access_token)}"
return url
def get_message(context:EventContext, data:InputMessageData, access_token:str=None) -> InputMessageData:
data = (InputMessageData(**data) if type(data) == dict else data)
tokens =':')
if tokens[0] != context.platform:
context.platform = tokens[0]
context.manager = context.event = None = ':'.join(tokens[1:])
platform = Platforms[context.platform]
if (not context.manager) and (manager := platform.manager_class):
context.manager = call_or_return(manager)
message = platform.getter(context, data, access_token)
linked = get_link(context, data)
return ObjectUnion(message, {
"message_id": data.message_id,
"room": {"id":, "url":},
"message_url": linked.message})
def send_message(context:EventContext, data:OutputMessageData, *, from_sent:bool=False, status:int=200):
context = ObjectClone(context)
data = (OutputMessageData(**data) if type(data) == dict else data)
if data.text_html and not data.text_plain:
data.text_plain = BeautifulSoup(data.text_html, "html.parser").get_text()
elif data.text_markdown and not data.text_plain:
data.text_plain = data.text_markdown
elif data.text_plain and not data.text_html:
data.text_html = html_escape(data.text_plain)
if = SureArray(
if and (room_id :=
tokens = room_id.split(':')
if tokens[0] != context.platform:
context.platform = tokens[0]
context.manager = context.event = None = ':'.join(tokens[1:])
if data.ReplyTo: # TODO decide if this has to be this way
data.ReplyTo = ':'.join(data.ReplyTo.split(':')[1:])
if context.platform not in Platforms:
# platform has no handler, so instead of doing a send action just return data to caller
return ObjectUnion(data, {"status": status})
platform = Platforms[context.platform]
if (not context.manager) and (manager := platform.manager_class):
context.manager = call_or_return(manager)
result = platform.sender(context, data)
on_output_message_sent(data,, from_sent)
return result
def send_notice(context:EventContext, data):
def edit_message(context:EventContext, data:MessageData):
def delete_message(context:EventContext, data:MessageData):
data = (MessageData(**data) if type(data) == dict else data) ="{context.platform}:")
data.message_id = data.message_id.removeprefix(f"{context.platform}:") ="{context.platform}:")
return Platforms[context.platform].deleter(context, data)
def get_file(context:EventContext, url:str, out=None):
tokens = url.split(':')
if tokens[0] != context.platform:
context.platform = tokens[0]
context.manager = context.event = None
platform = Platforms[context.platform]
if (not context.manager) and (manager := platform.manager_class):
context.manager = call_or_return(manager)
return platform.filegetter(context, ':'.join(tokens[1:]), out)
def register_platform(name:str, main:callable, getter:callable=None, linker:callable=None, sender:callable=None, deleter:callable=None, filegetter:callable=None, *, event_class=None, manager_class=None, agent_info=None) -> None:
Platforms[name.lower()] = SafeNamespace(name=name, main=main, getter=getter, linker=linker, sender=sender, deleter=deleter, filegetter=filegetter, event_class=event_class, manager_class=manager_class, agent_info=agent_info)
app_log(f"{name}, ", inline=True)
def register_module(name:str, endpoints:dict, *, group:str|None=None) -> None:
module = SafeNamespace(group=group, endpoints=endpoints, get_string=(lambda query, lang=None: None))
if isfile(file := f"./ModWinDog/{name}/{name}.yaml"):
module.strings = good_yaml_load(open(file, 'r').read())
module.get_string = (lambda query, lang=None: get_string(module.strings, query, lang))
Modules[name] = module
if group not in ModuleGroups:
ModuleGroups[group] = []
app_log(f"{name}, ", inline=True)
for endpoint in endpoints:
endpoint.module = module
for name in endpoint.names:
Endpoints[name] = endpoint
def instanciate_endpoint(name:str, prefix:str):
if not (endpoint := obj_get(Endpoints, name)):
return None
endpoint = ObjectClone(endpoint) = name
endpoint.get_string = (lambda query=name, lang=None:
endpoint.module.get_string(f"endpoints.{name}.{query}", lang))
endpoint.get_help_text = (lambda lang=None: get_help_text(endpoint, lang, prefix))
return endpoint
def call_endpoint(context:EventContext, data:InputMessageData):
if not ((command := data.command) and (name :=
if not (endpoint := instanciate_endpoint(name, command.prefix)):
return = data
context.module = endpoint.module
context.endpoint = endpoint
if context.platform and callable(agent_info := Platforms[context.platform].agent_info):
Platforms[context.platform].agent_info = agent_info()
return endpoint.handler(context, data)
def write_new_config() -> None:
app_log("💾️ No configuration found! Generating and writing to `./Data/`... ", inline=True)
with open("./Data/", 'w') as config_file:
opening = '# windog config start #'
closing = '# end windog config #'
for folder in ("LibWinDog", "ModWinDog"):
for file in glob(f"./{folder}/**/*.py", recursive=True):
name = '/'.join(file.split('/')[1:-1])
heading = f"# ==={'=' * len(name)}=== #"
source = open(file, 'r').read().replace(f"''' {opening}", f'""" {opening}').replace(f"{closing} '''", f'{closing} """')
content = '\n'.join(content.split(f'""" {opening}')[1].split(f'{closing} """')[0].split('\n')[1:-1])
config_file.write(f"{heading}\n# 🔽️ {name} 🔽️ #\n{heading}\n{content}\n\n")
except IndexError:
def app_main() -> None:
app_log(f"📨️ Initializing Platforms... ", newline=False)
for platform in Platforms.values():
if platform.main(f"./LibWinDog/Platforms/{}"):
app_log(f"{}, ", inline=True)
app_log("...Done. ✅️", inline=True, newline=True)
app_log("🐶️ WinDog Ready!")
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
app_log("🌞️ WinDog Starting...")
GlobalStrings = good_yaml_load(open("./WinDog.yaml", 'r').read())
Platforms, Modules, ModuleGroups, Endpoints = {}, {}, {}, {}
for folder in ("LibWinDog/Platforms", "ModWinDog"):
match folder:
case "LibWinDog/Platforms":
app_log("📩️ Loading Platforms... ", newline=False)
case "ModWinDog":
app_log("🔩️ Loading Modules... ", newline=False)
for name in listdir(f"./{folder}"):
path = f"./{folder}/{name}"
if path.endswith(".py") and isfile(path):
elif isdir(path):
files = listdir(path)
if f"{name}.py" in files:
exec(open(f"{path}/{name}.py", 'r').read())
#for file in files:
# if file.endswith(".py"):
# exec(open(f"{path}/{file}", 'r').read())
app_log("...Done. ✅️", inline=True, newline=True)
app_log("💽️ Loading Configuration... ", newline=False)
if isfile("./Data/"):
exec(open("./Data/", 'r').read())
app_log("Done. ✅️", inline=True, newline=True)
app_log("🌚️ WinDog Stopping...")