
123 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File

# ==================================== #
# WinDog multi-purpose chatbot #
# Licensed under AGPLv3 by OctoSpacc #
# ==================================== #
# Module: Percenter
# Provides fun trough percentage-based toys.
def percenter(Context, Data) -> None:
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__(f'{Data.Name}.{"done" if Data.Body else "empty"}')).format(
Cmd=Data.Tokens[0], Percent=RandPercent(), Thing=Data.Body)})
# Module: Multifun
# Provides fun trough preprogrammed-text-based toys.
def multifun(Context, Data) -> None:
cmdkey = Data.Name
replyToId = None
if Data.Quoted:
replyFromUid = Data.Quoted.User["Id"]
# TODO work on all platforms for the bot id
if int(replyFromUid.split('@')[0]) == int(TelegramId) and 'bot' in Locale.__(cmdkey):
Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{cmdkey}.bot'))
elif replyFromUid == Data.User["Id"] and 'self' in Locale.__(cmdkey):
Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{cmdkey}.self')).format(Data.User["Name"])
if 'others' in Locale.__(cmdkey):
Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{cmdkey}.others')).format(Data.User["Name"], Data.Quoted.User["Name"])
replyToId = Data.Quoted.messageId
if 'empty' in Locale.__(cmdkey):
Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{cmdkey}.empty'))
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": Text, "ReplyTo": replyToId})
# Module: Start
# Salutes the user, for now no other purpose except giving a feel that the bot is working.
def cStart(Context, Data) -> None:
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('start')).format(Data.User['Name'])})
# Module: Help
# Provides help for the bot. For now, it just lists the commands.
def cHelp(Context, Data=None) -> None:
Commands = ''
for Cmd in Endpoints.keys():
Commands += f'* /{Cmd}\n'
SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": f'Available Endpoints (WIP):\n{Commands}'})
# Module: Source
# Provides a copy of the bot source codes and/or instructions on how to get it.
def cSource(Context, Data=None) -> None:
SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": ("""\
* Original Source Code: {}
* Mirror: {}
""" + (f"* Modified Source Code: {{{ModifiedSourceUrl}}}" if ModifiedSourceUrl else ""))})
# Module: Config
# ...
#def cConfig(update:telegram.Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None:
# Cmd = TelegramHandleCmd(update)
# if not Cmd: return
# # ... area: eu, us, ...
# # ... language: en, it, ...
# # ... userdata: import, export, delete
# Module: Ping
# Responds pong, useful for testing messaging latency.
def cPing(Context, Data=None) -> None:
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": "*Pong!*"})
# Module: Echo
# Responds back with the original text of the received message.
def cEcho(Context, Data) -> None:
if Data.Body:
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": Data.Body})
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('echo.empty'))})
# Module: Broadcast
# Sends an admin message over to another destination
def cBroadcast(Context, Data) -> None:
if Data.User['Id'] not in AdminIds:
return SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('eval'))})
if len(Data.Tokens) < 3:
return SendMsg(Context, {"Text": "Bad usage."})
Dest = Data.Tokens[1]
Text = ' '.join(Data.Tokens[2:])
SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": Text}, Dest)
SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": "Executed."})
#def cTime(update:Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None:
# update.message.reply_markdown_v2(
# CharEscape(choice(Locale.__('time')).format(time.ctime().replace(' ', ' ')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH'),
# reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id)
# Module: Eval
# Execute a Python command (or safe literal operation) in the current context. Currently not implemented.
def cEval(Context, Data=None) -> None:
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('eval'))})
# Module: Exec
# Execute a system command from the allowed ones and return stdout/stderr.
def cExec(Context, Data) -> None:
if len(Data.Tokens) >= 2 and Data.Tokens[1].lower() in ExecAllowed:
Cmd = Data.Tokens[1].lower()
Out ='sh', '-c', f'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games; {Cmd}'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode()
# <>
Caption = (re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])').sub('', Out))
SendMsg(Context, {
"TextPlain": Caption,
"TextMarkdown": MarkdownCode(Caption, True),
SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('eval'))})
# Module: Format
# Reformat text using an handful of rules. Currently not implemented.
def cFormat(Context, Data=None) -> None:
# Module: Frame
# Frame someone's message into a platform-styled image. Currently not implemented.
def cFrame(Context, Data=None) -> None: