# ================================== # # WinDog multi-purpose chatbot # # Licensed under AGPLv3 by OctoSpacc # # ================================== # # Module: Percenter # Provides fun trough percentage-based toys. def percenter(Context, Data=None) -> None: if Data.Body: Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{Data.Name}.done')) else: Text = choice(Locale.__(f'{Data.Name}.empty')) SendMsg(Context, {"Text": Text.format(Cmd=Data.Tokens[0], Percent=RandPercent(), Thing=Data.Body)}) # Module: Multifun # Provides fun trough preprogrammed-text-based toys. def multifun(update:Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None: Cmd = HandleCmd(update) if not Cmd: return Key = ParseCmd(update.message.text).Name ReplyToMsg = update.message.message_id if update.message.reply_to_message: ReplyFromUID = update.message.reply_to_message.from_user.id if ReplyFromUID == TelegramId and 'bot' in Locale.__(Key): Text = CharEscape(choice(Locale.__(f'{Key}.bot')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH') elif ReplyFromUID == update.message.from_user.id and 'self' in Locale.__(Key): FromUName = CharEscape(update.message.from_user.first_name, 'MARKDOWN') Text = CharEscape(choice(Locale.__(f'{Key}.self')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH').format(FromUName) else: if 'others' in Locale.__(Key): FromUName = CharEscape(update.message.from_user.first_name, 'MARKDOWN') ToUName = CharEscape(update.message.reply_to_message.from_user.first_name, 'MARKDOWN') Text = CharEscape(choice(Locale.__(f'{Key}.others')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH').format(FromUName,ToUName) ReplyToMsg = update.message.reply_to_message.message_id else: if 'empty' in Locale.__(Key): Text = CharEscape(choice(Locale.__(f'{Key}.empty')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH') update.message.reply_markdown_v2(Text, reply_to_message_id=ReplyToMsg) # Module: Start # ... def cStart(Context, Data=None) -> None: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('start')).format('stupid')}) #def cStart(update:Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None: # Cmd = HandleCmd(update) # if not Cmd: return # user = update.effective_user # update.message.reply_markdown_v2(#'Hi\!', # #CharEscape(choice(Locale.__('start')).format(CharEscape(user.mention_markdown_v2(), 'MARKDOWN')), 'MARKDOWN'), # CharEscape(choice(Locale.__('start')), '.!').format(user.mention_markdown_v2()), # reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) # Module: Help # ... def cHelp(Context, Data=None) -> None: #SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('help'))}) Commands = '' for Cmd in Endpoints.keys(): Commands += f'* /{Cmd}\n' SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": f'Available Endpoints (WIP):\n{Commands}'}) # Module: Source # Provides a copy of the bot source codes and/or instructions on how to get it. def cSource(Context, Data=None) -> None: SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": "{https://gitlab.com/octospacc/WinDog}"}) # Module: Config # ... def cConfig(update:Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None: Cmd = HandleCmd(update) if not Cmd: return # ... area: eu, us, ... # ... language: en, it, ... # ... userdata: import, export, delete # Module: Ping # Responds pong, useful for testing messaging latency. def cPing(Context, Data=None) -> None: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": "*Pong!*"}) # Module: Echo # Responds back with the original text of the received message. def cEcho(Context, Data=None) -> None: if Data.Body: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": Data.Body}) else: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('echo.empty'))}) #def cTime(update:Update, context:CallbackContext) -> None: # update.message.reply_markdown_v2( # CharEscape(choice(Locale.__('time')).format(time.ctime().replace(' ', ' ')), 'MARKDOWN_SPEECH'), # reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) # Module: Hash # Responds with the hash-sum of a message received. def cHash(Context, Data=None) -> None: if len(Data.Tokens) >= 3 and Data.Tokens[1] in hashlib.algorithms_available: Alg = Data.Tokens[1] Hash = hashlib.new(Alg, Alg.join(Data.Body.split(Alg)[1:]).strip().encode()).hexdigest() SendMsg(Context, { "TextPlain": Hash, "TextMarkdown": MarkdownCode(Hash, True), }) else: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('hash.usage')).format(Data.Tokens[0], hashlib.algorithms_available)}) # Module: Eval # Execute a Python command (or safe literal operation) in the current context. def cEval(Context, Data=None) -> None: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('eval'))}) # Module: Exec # Execute a system command and return stdout/stderr. def cExec(Context, Data=None) -> None: if len(Data.Tokens) >= 2 and Data.Tokens[1].lower() in ExecAllowed: Cmd = Data.Tokens[1].lower() Out = subprocess.run(('sh', '-c', f'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games; {Cmd}'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode() # Caption = (re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])').sub('', Out)) SendMsg(Context, { "TextPlain": Caption, "TextMarkdown": MarkdownCode(Caption, True), }) else: SendMsg(Context, {"Text": choice(Locale.__('eval'))}) # Module: Format # Reformat text using an handful of rules def cFormat(Context, Data=None) -> None: pass # Module: Frame # Frame someone's message into a platform-styled image. def cFrame(Context, Data=None) -> None: pass # Module: Web # Provides results of a DuckDuckGo search. def cWeb(Context, Data=None) -> None: if Data.Body: try: QueryUrl = UrlParse.quote(Data.Body) Req = HttpGet(f'https://html.duckduckgo.com/html?q={QueryUrl}') Caption = f'🦆🔎 "{Data.Body}": https://duckduckgo.com/?q={QueryUrl}\n\n' Index = 0 for Line in Req.read().decode().replace('\t', ' ').splitlines(): if ' class="result__a" ' in Line and ' href="//duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=' in Line: Index += 1 Link = UrlParse.unquote(Line.split(' href="//duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=')[1].split('&rut=')[0]) Title = HtmlUnescape(Line.split('')[0].split('')[-1].split('>')[1]) Caption += f'[{Index}] {Title} : {{{Link}}}\n\n' SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": f'{Caption}...'}) except Exception: raise else: pass # Module: Translate # Return the received message after translating it in another language. def cTranslate(Context, Data=None) -> None: if Data.Body: try: Lang = Data.Tokens[1] # TODO: Use many different public Lingva instances in rotation to avoid overloading a specific one Result = json.loads(HttpGet(f'https://lingva.ml/api/v1/auto/{Lang}/{UrlParse.quote(Lang.join(Data.Body.split(Lang)[1:]))}').read())["translation"] SendMsg(Context, {"TextPlain": Result}) except Exception: raise else: pass # Module: Unsplash # Send a picture sourced from Unsplash. def cUnsplash(Context, Data=None) -> None: try: Req = HttpGet(f'https://source.unsplash.com/random/?{UrlParse.quote(Data.Body)}') ImgUrl = Req.geturl().split('?')[0] SendMsg(Context, { "TextPlain": f'{{{ImgUrl}}}', "TextMarkdown": MarkdownCode(ImgUrl, True), "Media": Req.read(), }) except Exception: raise # Module: Safebooru # Send a picture sourced from Safebooru. def cSafebooru(Context, Data=None) -> None: ApiUrl = 'https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&limit=100&tags=' try: if Data.Body: for i in range(7): ImgUrls = HttpGet(f'{ApiUrl}md5:{RandHexStr(3)}%20{UrlParse.quote(Data.Body)}').read().decode().split(' file_url="')[1:] if ImgUrls: break if not ImgUrls: ImgUrls = HttpGet(f'{ApiUrl}{UrlParse.quote(Data.Body)}').read().decode().split(' file_url="')[1:] ImgXml = choice(ImgUrls) ImgUrl = ImgXml.split('"')[0] ImgId = ImgXml.split(' id="')[1].split('"')[0] else: HtmlReq = HttpGet(HttpGet('https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=random').geturl()) for Line in HtmlReq.read().decode().replace('\t', ' ').splitlines(): if '