import base64 import hashlib import random import string from ..config import SHORT_URL_LEN from .home_view import HomeView from .wildcard_view import WildcardView from .download import Download from .index_view import IndexView from .info_view import InfoView from .logo_view import LogoView from .thumbnail_view import ThumbnailView from .login_view import LoginView from .logout_view import LogoutView from .middlewhere import middleware_factory class Views( HomeView, Download, IndexView, InfoView, LogoView, ThumbnailView, WildcardView, LoginView, LogoutView, ): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.url_len = SHORT_URL_LEN self.chat_ids = {} def generate_alias_id(self, chat): chat_id = title = chat.title while True: orig_id = f"{title}{chat_id}" # the original id alias_id = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(orig_id.encode()).digest())[:self.url_len].decode() if alias_id in self.chat_ids: self.url_len += 1 # increment url_len just incase the hash is already used. continue elif (self.url_len > SHORT_URL_LEN): # reset url_len to initial if hash was unique. self.url_len = SHORT_URL_LEN self.chat_ids[alias_id] = { "chat_id": chat_id, "alias_id": alias_id, "title": title, } return alias_id