| `API_ID` (required) | Telegram api_id obtained from <https://my.telegram.org/apps>. |
| `API_HASH` (required) | Telegram api_hash obtained from <https://my.telegram.org/apps>. |
| `INDEX_SETTINGS` (required) | See the below description. |
| `SESSION_STRING` (required) | String obtained by running `$ python3 app/generate_session_string.py`. (Login with the telegram account which is a participant of the given channel (or chat). |
| `PORT` (optional) | Port on which app should listen to, defaults to 8080. |
| `HOST` (optional) | Host name on which app should listen to, defaults to |
| `DEBUG` (optional) | Give `true` to set logging level to debug, info by default. |
| `BLOCK_DOWNLOADS` (optional) | Enable downloads or not. If any value is provided, downloads will be disabled. |
| `RESULTS_PER_PAGE` (optional) | Number of results to be returned per page defaults to 20. |
| `TGINDEX_USERNAME` (optional) | Username for authentication, defaults to `''`. |
| `PASSWORD` (optional) | Password for authentication, defaults to `''`. |
| `SHORT_URL_LEN` (optional) | Url length for aliases |
| `SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME` (optional) | Number of minutes, for which authenticated session is valid for, after which user has to login again. defaults to 60. |
| `SECRET_KEY` (optional) | 32 characters long string for signing the session cookies, required if authentication is enabled. |
- **Setting value for `INDEX_SETTINGS`**
This is the general format, change the values of corresponding fields as your requirements. You can copy paste this as is to index all the channels available in your account.
A detailed and beginner friendly guide on how to deploy this project on a free instance of <https://repl.it> can be found [here](./repl-config/replit-deploy-guide.md).