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2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const SpaccDotWeb = ((args) => { //////////////////////////////////////////////
let windowObject, documentObject;
let Lib = {};
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
let isBuildingApp = false;
let __scriptname;
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const platformIsNode = (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object');
const platformIsBrowser = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined');
const __filename__ = (typeof __filename !== 'undefined' ? __filename : '');
const JsdomOptions = { /*resources: "usable",*/ runScripts: /*"dangerously"*/"outside-only" };
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
if (platformIsNode) {
Lib.fs = require('fs');
Lib.crypto = require('crypto');
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
Lib.childProcess = require('child_process');
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
Lib.jsdom = require('jsdom');
__scriptname = __filename__.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
windowObject = new Lib.jsdom.JSDOM('', JsdomOptions).window;
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
if (platformIsBrowser) {
windowObject = window;
documentObject = windowObject.document;
const SpaccDotWeb = ((args) => { //////////////////////////////////////////////
let SpaccDotWeb = {};
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
if (platformIsNode) {
SpaccDotWeb.AppBuildStandalone = (opts) => { // TODO: build result of dom after JS, to make base page usable without JS
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
isBuildingApp = true;
opts ||= {};
opts.Page ||= 'index.html';
opts.Modules && !opts.Modules.includes('Main') && (opts.Modules = [...opts.Modules, 'Main']);
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
Lib.fs.mkdirSync(`${__dirname}/Build/App-${opts.Page}`, { recursive: true });
let htmlIndex = Lib.fs.readFileSync(opts.Page, 'utf8');
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
windowObject = new Lib.jsdom.JSDOM(htmlIndex, JsdomOptions).window;
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
documentObject = windowObject.document;
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
Lib.fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/Build/App-${opts.Page}/Full.html`, `<!DOCTYPE html>${documentObject.documentElement.outerHTML}`);
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
isBuildingApp = false;
SpaccDotWeb.LibBuild = () => {
Lib.fs.mkdirSync(`${__dirname}/Build/Assets.tmp`, { recursive: true });
let uptodate = true;
const compiledPath = `${__dirname}/Build/SpaccDotWeb.js`;
const minifiedPath = `${__dirname}/Build/SpaccDotWeb.min.js`;
const hashPath = `${__dirname}/Build/SpaccDotWeb.js.hash`;
const hashOld = (Lib.fs.existsSync(hashPath) && Lib.fs.readFileSync(hashPath, 'utf8'));
const hashNew = Lib.crypto.createHash('sha256').update(Lib.fs.readFileSync(__filename__, 'utf8')).digest('hex');
if (!Lib.fs.existsSync(compiledPath) || !Lib.fs.existsSync(minifiedPath) || !(hashOld === hashNew)) {
uptodate = false;
Lib.fs.writeFileSync(hashPath, hashNew);
Lib.fs.writeFileSync(compiledPath, Lib.childProcess.execSync(`cat "${__filename__}" | npx babel -f "${__scriptname}"`));
Lib.fs.writeFileSync(minifiedPath, Lib.childProcess.execSync(`cat "${compiledPath}" | npx uglifyjs`));
uptodate && console.log('Library is up-to-date.');
return { compiledText: Lib.fs.readFileSync(compiledPath, 'utf8'), minified: Lib.fs.readFileSync(minifiedPath, 'utf8') };
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
SpaccDotWeb.AppInit = () => {
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
try {
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
return SpaccDotWeb;
} catch(err) { console.log(err) };
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
//SpaccDotWeb.Make = () => {};
SpaccDotWeb.Create = (tag, attrs) => {
let elem = documentObject.createElement(tag);
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
for (const key in attrs) {
elem[key] = attrs[key];
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
return elem;
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
SpaccDotWeb.Select = (query) => {
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
let elem = documentObject.querySelector(query);
elem && (elem.Insert = elem.appendChild);
return elem;
SpaccDotWeb.RequireScript = (src) => {
if (platformIsBrowser) {
SpaccDotWeb.Select('body').Insert(SpaccDotWeb.Create('script', { src: src }));
//} else if (platformIsNode) {
// require(src);
// TODO: make Meta element optional without breaking things
const AppMetaGet = () => {
const elem = SpaccDotWeb.Select('script[module="Meta"]');
if (elem) {
if (['application/json', 'text/json'].includes(elem.getAttribute('type'))) {
return JSON.parse(elem.innerHTML);
} else {
return eval(elem.innerHTML);
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const DomMakeBase = (Modules) => {
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const meta = AppMetaGet();
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
if (meta) {
const htmlFrags = {
Title: (meta.Name ? `<title>${meta.Name}</title><meta property="og:title" content="${meta.Name}"/>` : ''),
Description: (meta.Description ? `<meta name="description" content="${meta.Description}"/><meta property="og:description" content="${meta.Description}"/>` : ''),
Uri: (meta.Uri ? `<link rel="canonical" href="${meta.Uri}"/><meta property="og:url" content="${meta.Uri}"/>` : '')
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
let [scriptsCode, elementsHtml, scriptsHtml] = ['', '', ''];
if (isBuildingApp) {
scriptsHtml += `<scr`+`ipt src=""></scr`+`ipt>`;
scriptsHtml += `<scr`+`ipt src=""></scr`+`ipt>`;
scriptsHtml += `<scr`+`ipt>${SpaccDotWeb.LibBuild().minified}</scr`+`ipt>`;
for (const elem of documentObject.querySelectorAll('script[module]')) {
//if (elem.module === 'Meta' && !['application/json', 'text/json'].includes(elem.type)) {
// elem.innerHTML = `(${elem.innerHTML})`;
if (elem.getAttribute('module') !== 'SpaccDotWeb' && (!Modules || (Modules && Modules.includes(elem.getAttribute('module'))))) {
if (elem.getAttribute('src')) {
scriptsHtml += `<scr`+`ipt src="${elem.getAttribute('src')}"></scr`+`ipt>`;
// TODO somehow include this in prerendered DOM?
} else {
const tmpHash = Lib.crypto.createHash('sha256').update(elem.innerHTML).digest('hex');
const tmpPath = `${__dirname}/Build/Assets.tmp/${tmpHash}.js`;
Lib.fs.writeFileSync(tmpPath, elem.innerHTML);
const scriptCode = Lib.childProcess.execSync(`cat "${tmpPath}" | npx babel -f "${tmpHash}.js" | npx uglifyjs`);
scriptsCode += scriptCode;
scriptsHtml += `<scr`+`ipt>${Lib.childProcess.execSync(`cat "${tmpPath}" | npx babel -f "${tmpHash}.js" | npx uglifyjs`)}</scr`+`ipt>`;
// select and include all remaining actual elements, except parent meta-elements
for (const elem of documentObject.querySelectorAll('* > * > *')) {
elementsHtml += elem.outerHTML;
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
return {
head: `
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
body: `<div id="App"></div>${elementsHtml}${scriptsHtml}`,
scriptsCode: scriptsCode,
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const DomSetup = (Modules) => {
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
const doctypeNew = documentObject.implementation.createHTMLDocument().doctype;
? documentObject.replaceChild(doctypeNew, documentObject.doctype)
: documentObject.insertBefore(doctypeNew, documentObject.childNodes[0]);
const domBase = DomMakeBase(Modules);
if (domBase) {
documentObject.write(domBase.head + domBase.body);
documentObject.head.innerHTML = domBase.head;
documentObject.body.innerHTML = domBase.body;
if (isBuildingApp) {
windowObject.eval(Lib.fs.readFileSync(__filename__, 'utf-8') + domBase.scriptsCode);
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
return SpaccDotWeb;
})(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2023-09-27 00:49:37 +02:00
platformIsBrowser && (window.SpaccDotWeb = SpaccDotWeb);
platformIsNode && process.argv.length >= 2 && console.log(eval(process.argv.slice(-1)[0]));
2023-09-26 22:31:11 +02:00
return SpaccDotWeb;
})(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////