Enter the details of your account on a
server to get an Atom/RSS feed link.
Note: still a work-in-progress!
Privacy Policy
(applies to ShioriFeed.Octt.eu.org)
I still have to write this... tough luck.
I'm not yet actively inviting anyone to use this instance right now,
if you're worried about your security then just host the software yourself.
'''.replace('{{HtmlHead}}', HtmlHead)
def RetDebugIf():
return f'\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}' if Debug else ''
def SessionHash(Remote, Username, Password):
return f'{hash(Remote)}{hash(Username)}{hash(Password)}'
def MkFeed(Data, Remote, Username, Session, Type=DefFeedType):
Feed = ''
FeedTitle = f'ShioriFeed ({HtmlEscape(Username)}) 🔖'
Generator = f'ShioriFeed'
FeedDate = Data['bookmarks'][0]['modified'] if Data['bookmarks'] else ''
for Mark in Data['bookmarks']:
Id = Mark['id']
EntryTitle = f'{HtmlEscape(Mark["title"])}'
EntryAuthor = f'{HtmlEscape(Mark["author"])}' if Mark['author'] else ''
EntryLink = f'{Remote}/bookmark/{Id}/content'
# NOTE: when shiori issue #578 is fixed, this should use a thumb URL from the original article HTML to cope with private bookmarks
EntryCover = f'
' if Mark['imageURL'] else ''
# Not so sure about this chief, downloading and embedding EVERY cover image into the XML is slow (~8s per 1 req) and traffic-hungry (~10 simultaneous requests are enough to temporarily DoS the Raspi)
#ImgData = GetContent(Remote, f'bookmark/{Id}/thumb', Session) if Mark['imageURL'] else None
#Cover = f'
]]>' if ImgData else ''
EntryPreview = f'{HtmlEscape(Mark["excerpt"])}]]>'
EntryContent = f'{HtmlEscape(GetContent(Remote, f"bookmark/{Id}/content", Session)["Body"].decode())}'
if Type == 'atom':
Feed += f'''
elif Type == 'rss':
Feed += f'''
if Type == 'atom':
return f'''\
elif Type == 'rss':
return f'''\
def MkUrl(Post, Type=DefFeedType):
Args = {}
for Arg in Post.split('&'):
Arg = Arg.split('=')
Args.update({Arg[0]: UrlUnquote(Arg[1])})
return f'''\
def GetSession(Remote, Username, Password):
Rq = urlopen(Request(f'{Remote}/api/login',
data=json.dumps({'username': Username, 'password': Password, 'remember': True, 'owner': True}).encode(),
headers={'User-Agent': UserAgent}))
if Rq.code == 200:
Data = {SessionHash(Remote, Username, Password): json.loads(Rq.read().decode())['session']}
return {'Code': 200, 'Body': Data}
return {'Code': Rq.code, 'Body': f'[{Rq.code}] External Server Error\n\n{Rq.read().decode()}'}
except Exception:
return {'Code': 500, 'Body': f'[500] Internal Server Error{RetDebugIf()}'}
def GetContent(Remote, Path, Session):
Rq = urlopen(Request(f'{Remote}/{Path}', headers={'X-Session-Id': Session, 'User-Agent': UserAgent}))
if Rq.code == 200:
return {'Code': 200, 'Body': Rq.read(), 'Content-Type': Rq.headers['Content-Type']}
return {'Code': Rq.code, 'Body': f'[{Rq.code}] External Server Error\n\n{Rq.read().decode()}'.encode()}
except Exception:
return {'Code': 500, 'Body': f'[500] Internal Server Error{RetDebugIf()}'.encode()}
def RqHandle(Path, Attempt=0):
Rs = {}
Args = Path.strip().removeprefix('/').removesuffix('/').strip().split('/')
if Args[0] == '':
return {'Code': 200, 'Body': HomeTemplate, 'Content-Type': 'text/html'}
TypeCheck = Args[-1].lower().replace('?', '&').split('&')[0]
#Shift = 1 if TypeCheck in ('atom.xml', 'rss.xml', 'atom', 'rss') else 0
#Type = Args[-1].lower().split('&')[0] if Shift == 1 else
if TypeCheck in ('atom.xml', 'rss.xml', 'atom', 'rss'):
Shift = 1
FeedType = TypeCheck.split('.')[0]
Shift = 0
FeedType = DefFeedType
Remote = '/'.join(Args[:-(2+Shift)]).removesuffix('/')
Username = b64UrlDecode(Args[-(2+Shift)]).decode()
Password = b64UrlDecode(Args[-(1+Shift)]).decode()
if not SessionHash(Remote, Username, Password) in Sessions:
TrySession = GetSession(Remote, Username, Password)
if TrySession['Code'] != 200:
return TrySession
Session = Sessions[SessionHash(Remote, Username, Password)]
Rq = urlopen(Request(f'{Remote}/api/bookmarks', headers={
'X-Session-Id': Session,
'User-Agent': UserAgent}))
Rs['Code'] = Rq.code
if Rq.code == 200:
# Shiori got us JSON data, parse it and return our result
Rs['Body'] = MkFeed(json.loads(Rq.read().decode()), Remote, Username, Session, FeedType)
Rs['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
elif Rq.code == 500 and Attempt < 1:
# We probably got an expired Session-Id, let's renew it and retry
TrySession = GetSession(Remote, Username, Password)
if TrySession['Code'] != 200:
return TrySession
return ReqHandle(Path, Attempt+1)
Rs['Body'] = f'[{Rq.code}] External Server Error\n\n{Rq.read().decode()}'
return Rs
except Exception:
return {'Code': 500, 'Body': f'[500] Internal Server Error{RetDebugIf()}'}
class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
Rs = RqHandle(self.path)
self.send_header('Content-Type', Rs['Content-Type'] if 'Content-Type' in Rs else 'text/plain')
def do_POST(self):
if self.path == '/':
Post = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['Content-Length'])).decode()
Body = HomeTemplate.replace('', f'''