class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
Res = {}
Url = self.path[1:]
Req = urlopen(Request(Url, headers=ProxyHeaders))
Res['Code'] = 200
Res['Body'] = MakePage(Code=Req.code, Url=Url, Meta=HtmlToMeta(
except (HTTPError, URLError) as e:
Res['Code'] = 500
Res['Body'] = MakePage(Url=Url)
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
def Serve():
ThreadedHTTPServer(Host, Handler).serve_forever()
#def SureList(Val):
# return (Val if type(Val) == list else [Val])
def DictKeyIf(Dict:dict, Key:str):
if Key in Dict:
return Dict[Key]
def SoupAttrIf(Obj, Attr:str, Else=None):
if Obj:
if hasattr(Obj, Attr) and getattr(Obj, Attr):
return getattr(Obj, Attr)
return Obj.get(Attr)
#if Attr in Obj and Obj[Attr]:
# return Obj[Attr]
return Else
#def TryVals(Vals:list, Else=None):
# for Val in SureList(Vals):
# if Val:
# return Val
# return Else
#def DictJoin(a:dict=None, b:dict=None):
# c = dict(a) if a else {}
# c.update(b) if b else {}
# return c
def DictHtmlSafe(Dict:dict):
New = {}
for Key in Dict:
if Dict[Key]:
New[Key] = HtmlEscape(Dict[Key])
return New
def MakePage(Meta:dict=None, Code:int=None, Url:str=None):
return f'''
Proxied URL: {Url}
Proxied HTTP Response: {Code}
{MetaToHtmlBody(Meta) if Meta else 'Could not retrieve any metadata from the requested URL.
[Source Code]
def ContextAppMeta(Meta:dict=None):
#New = DictJoin(AppMeta, Meta)
New = dict(AppMeta)
if Meta:
if Meta['SiteName']: New['SiteName'] = f"{Meta['SiteName']} | {AppMeta['SiteName']}"
if Meta['Title']: New['Title'] = f"{Meta['Title']} | {AppMeta['Title']}"
if Meta['Description']: New['Description'] = f"{Meta['Description']} | {AppMeta['Description']}"
if Meta['Image']: New['Image'] = Meta['Image']
return New
def MetaToHtmlHead(Meta:dict):
Meta = DictHtmlSafe(Meta)
return f'''\
{f'' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'SiteName') else ''}
{f'{Meta["Title"]}' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Title') else ''}
{f'' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Description') else ''}
{f'' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Image') else ''}
def MetaToHtmlBody(Meta:dict):
Meta = DictHtmlSafe(Meta)
return f'''
{f'- Site Name
- {Meta["SiteName"]}
' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'SiteName') else ''}
{f'- Title
- {Meta["Title"]}
' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Title') else ''}
{f'- Description
- {Meta["Description"]}
' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Description') else ''}
{f'- Image

' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Image') else ''}
{f'- Type
- {Meta["Type"]}
' if DictKeyIf(Meta, 'Type') else ''}
{f'- Html
' if DictKeyIf(Meta, '_Html_') and Debug else ''}
def HtmlToMeta(Html:str):
Soup = BeautifulSoup(Html, 'html.parser')
Title = SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', property='og:title'), 'content')
if not Title:
Title = SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('title'), 'text')
Description = SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', attrs={"property": "og:description"}), 'content')
if not Description:
Description = SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', attrs={"name": "description"}), 'content')
return {
"SiteName": SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', attrs={"property": "og:site_name"}), 'content'),
"Title": Title,
"Description": Description,
"Image": SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', attrs={"property": "og:image"}), 'content'),
"Type": SoupAttrIf(Soup.find('meta', attrs={"property": "og:type"}), 'content'),
"_Html_": Html,
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: