2023-12-02 23:00:23 +01:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ site.language }}" class="no-js">
{% include head.html %}
<body class="main-page has-push-menu">
{% include minutes-to-read.html %}
{% include svg-icons.html %}
{% include header.html %}
<section class="post {% if site.two_columns_layout %}two-columns{% else %}one-column{% endif %}">
<article role="article" class="post-content">
<p class="post-info">
{% if page.date %}
<svg class="icon-calendar" id="date"><use xlink:href="#icon-calendar"></use></svg>
<time class="date" datetime="{{ page.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">
{% include date.html date=page.date %}
{% endif %}
<svg id="clock" class="icon-clock"><use xlink:href="#icon-clock"></use></svg>
<span>{{ minutesText }}</span>
<h1 class="post-title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
<p class="post-subtitle">{{ page.subtitle }}</p>
{% if page.image and paginator.activated == nil %}
2023-12-06 09:16:01 +01:00
<img src="{% if page.image_source == 'internal' %}{{ site.baseurl }}{% endif %}{{ page.image }}" alt="Featured image" class="post-cover">
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{% endif %}
{% include pagination-post.html progressBar=true %}
{% include toc.html %}
{{ content }}
{% include pagination-post.html %}
{% if site.two_columns_layout %}
<aside class="see-also">
<h2>{{ site.translations.text.see_also | default: "See also" }}</h2>
{% assign next_posts = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.is_generated != true" | where_exp:"post","post.path != page.path" %}
{% assign shuffled_array = next_posts | shuffle %}
{% for post in shuffled_array limit:3 %}
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
{% if post.optimized_image %}
<img src="{{ post.optimized_image }}">
{% elsif post.image %}
2023-12-06 09:16:01 +01:00
<img src="{% if post.image_source == 'internal' %}{{ site.baseurl }}{% endif %}{{ post.image }}">
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{% else %}
2023-12-07 12:01:13 +01:00
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/off.jpg">
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{% endif %}
<h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Add time bar only for pages without pagination -->
{% if paginator.activated == nil and site.show_time_bar == true %}
{% include time-bar.html %}
{% include recommendation.html %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Show modal if the post is the last one -->
{% if paginator.is_last and site.show_modal_on_finish_post %}
{% include modal.html title="You made it!" subtitle="Why don't you try another?" %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Show modal before user leaves the page -->
{% if site.show_modal_on_exit %}
{% include modal.html title="Don't go yet!" subtitle="You may also like..." closed=true showOnExit=true %}
{% endif %}
{% include subscription.html %}
{% include share.html %}
{% include author.html %}
{% include comments.html %}
{% include footer.html %}
{% assign author = site.authors | where: "name", post.author | first %}
{% assign author_urls = '' %}
{% if author.github_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://github.com/' | append: author.github_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.facebook_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://www.facebook.com/' | append: author.facebook_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.twitter_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://twitter.com/' | append: author.twitter_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.medium_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://medium.com/@' | append: author.medium_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.instagram_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://www.instagram.com/' | append: author.instagram_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.linkedin_username %}
{% assign author_urls = author_urls | append: '"https://www.linkedin.com/in/' | append: author.linkedin_username | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
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MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']]
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async
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