
333 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Content Manager</title>
<!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Netlify CMS -->
<script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>
<!-- Include the script that allows Netlify CMS login -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Register Color widget -->
<!-- -->
<script src="../assets/js/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="../assets/js/widgets/color/react-color.min.js"></script>
<script src="../assets/js/widgets/color/color.min.js"></script>
CMS.registerWidget('color', NetlifyCMSWidgetColor.Control);
<!-- Register Page component -->
// Internal id of the component
id: "page",
// Visible label
label: "Page",
// Fields the user need to fill out when adding an instance of the component
fields: [],
// Pattern to identify a block as being an instance of this component
pattern: /^--page-break--$/,
// Function to extract data elements from the regexp match
fromBlock: function() {
// Function to create a text block from an instance of this component
toBlock: function() {
return '--page-break--';
// Preview output for this component. Can either be a string or a React component
// (component gives better render performance)
toPreview: function(obj) {
return (
'<hr class="page-divider">'
<!-- Register Figure component -->
// Internal id of the component
id: "figure",
// Visible label
label: "Figure",
// Fields the user need to fill out when adding an instance of the component
fields: [
{ name: 'image', label: 'Image', widget: 'image', allow_multiple: false },
{ name: 'alt', label: 'Alternative Text', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: "Used for accessibility." },
{ name: 'classes', label: 'Classes', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: 'Add styles to image.'},
{ name: 'width', label: 'Width', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
{ name: 'height', label: 'Height', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
{ name: 'caption', label: 'Caption', widget: 'string', required: false },
// Pattern to identify a block as being an instance of this component
pattern: /{%\s*figure\s*{\s*"image"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"\s*,?\s*(?:"alt"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"classes"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"width"\s*:\s*"([0-9]*)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"height"\s*:\s*"([0-9]*)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"caption"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*}\s*%}/,
// Function to extract data elements from the regexp match
fromBlock: function (match) {
return {
image: match[1] || '',
alt: match[2] || '',
classes: match[3] || '',
width: match[4] || '',
height: match[5] || '',
caption: match[6] || '',
// Function to create a text block from an instance of this component
toBlock: function (obj) {
if (obj.image) {
var image = obj.image ? '"image": "' + obj.image + '"' : '';
var alt = obj.alt ? ', "alt": "' + obj.alt + '"' : '';
var classes = obj.classes ? ', "classes": "' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
var width = obj.width ? ', "width": "' + obj.width + '"' : '';
var height = obj.height ? ', "height": "' + obj.height + '"' : '';
var caption = obj.caption ? ', "caption": "' + obj.caption + '"' : '';
return '{% figure {' + image + alt + classes + width + height + caption + '} %}';
return '';
// Preview output for this component. Can either be a string or a React component
// (component gives better render performance)
toPreview: function (obj) {
var src = obj.image ? ' src="' + obj.image + '"' : '';
var alt = obj.alt ? ' alt="' + obj.alt + '"' : '';
var classes = obj.classes ? ' class="' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
var width = obj.width ? ' width="' + obj.width + '"' : '';
var height = obj.height ? ' height="' + obj.height + '"' : '';
var caption = obj.caption ? '<figcaption>' + obj.caption + '</figcaption>' : '';
return (
'<figure><img' + src + alt + classes + width + height + '>' + caption + '</figure>'
<!-- Register Figure Url component -->
// Internal id of the component
id: "figureUrl",
// Visible label
label: "Figure URL",
// Fields the user need to fill out when adding an instance of the component
fields: [
{ name: 'image', label: 'Image URL', widget: 'string'},
{ name: 'alt', label: 'Alternative Text', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: "Used for accessibility." },
{ name: 'classes', label: 'Classes', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: 'Add styles to image.'},
{ name: 'width', label: 'Width', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
{ name: 'height', label: 'Height', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
{ name: 'caption', label: 'Caption', widget: 'string', required: false },
// Pattern to identify a block as being an instance of this component
pattern: /{%\s*figure_url\s*{\s*"image"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"\s*,?\s*(?:"alt"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"classes"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"width"\s*:\s*"([0-9]*)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"height"\s*:\s*"([0-9]*)")?\s*,?\s*(?:"caption"\s*:\s*"(.*?)")?\s*}\s*%}/,
// Function to extract data elements from the regexp match
fromBlock: function (match) {
return {
image: match[1] || '',
alt: match[2] || '',
classes: match[3] || '',
width: match[4] || '',
height: match[5] || '',
caption: match[6] || '',
// Function to create a text block from an instance of this component
toBlock: function (obj) {
if (obj.image) {
var image = obj.image ? '"image": "' + obj.image + '"' : '';
var alt = obj.alt ? ', "alt": "' + obj.alt + '"' : '';
var classes = obj.classes ? ', "classes": "' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
var width = obj.width ? ', "width": "' + obj.width + '"' : '';
var height = obj.height ? ', "height": "' + obj.height + '"' : '';
var caption = obj.caption ? ', "caption": "' + obj.caption + '"' : '';
return '{% figure_url {' + image + alt + classes + width + height + caption + '} %}';
return '';
// Preview output for this component. Can either be a string or a React component
// (component gives better render performance)
toPreview: function (obj) {
var src = obj.image ? ' src="' + obj.image + '"' : '';
var alt = obj.alt ? ' alt="' + obj.alt + '"' : '';
var classes = obj.classes ? ' class="' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
var width = obj.width ? ' width="' + obj.width + '"' : '';
var height = obj.height ? ' height="' + obj.height + '"' : '';
var caption = obj.caption ? '<figcaption>' + obj.caption + '</figcaption>' : '';
return (
'<figure><img' + src + alt + classes + width + height + '>' + caption + '</figure>'
<!-- Include preview styles -->
<!-- Register the Post preview component -->
var PostPreview = createClass({
render: function() {
function formatDate(rawDate) {
var date = rawDate;
if (typeof date === 'string') {
date = new Date(date);
if (date) {
var months = 'January,February,Mark,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December'.split(',');
var monthNumber = date.getMonth();
return months[monthNumber] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ', ' + date.getFullYear();
// Entry
var entry = this.props.entry;
// Elements
var elements = [];
// Paginate
var paginate = entry.getIn(['data', 'paginate']);
// Post Info
var postInfo = h('p', {'className': 'post-info'}, [
h('svg', {}, [
h('use', {'xlinkHref': '/assets/img/preview-sprite.svg#icon-calendar'})
h('time', {'className': 'date'}, formatDate(entry.getIn(['data', 'date'])))
// Post Title
var postTitle = h('h1', {'className': 'post-title'}, entry.getIn(['data', 'title']));
// Post Subtitle
var postSubtitle = h('p', {'className': 'post-subtitle'}, entry.getIn(['data', 'subtitle']));
// Featured Image
if (!paginate) {
var image = entry.getIn(['data', 'image']);
var bg = this.props.getAsset(image);
var featuredImage = h('img', {'className': 'post-cover', 'src': bg.toString()});
// Space
if (paginate) {
var space = h('br', {});
// Body
var body = h('div', {'className': 'text'}, this.props.widgetFor('body'));
return h('div', {}, elements);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate('posts', PostPreview);
<!-- Register the Page preview component -->
var PagePreview = createClass({
render: function() {
// Entry
var entry = this.props.entry;
// Elements
var elements = [];
// Body
var body = h('div', {'className': 'text'}, this.props.widgetFor('body'));
return h('div', {}, elements);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate('pages', PagePreview);
<!-- Register Image component -->
<!-- It's not possible to create this element just yet. There are two things needed in order to do so: -->
<!-- 1) Jekyll needs to update kramdown version up to 2.1.0, so we can use the :standlone feature with <figure></figure> -->
<!-- See: -->
<!-- 2) However, it may not be possible, once Netlify CMS parses using Remark before parse using kramdown -->
<!-- See: -->
<!-- Solution for now: -->
<!-- Keep using <img width="X" height="Y"> with <em></em> for caption -->
// CMS.registerEditorComponent({
// // Internal id of the component
// id: "image",
// // Visible label
// label: "Image",
// // Fields the user need to fill out when adding an instance of the component
// fields: [
// { name: 'image', label: 'Image', widget: 'image', allow_multiple: false },
// { name: 'alt', label: 'Alternative Text', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: "Used for accessibility." },
// { name: 'title', label: 'Title', widget: 'string', required: false, hint: "Shown on hover." },
// { name: 'width', label: 'Width', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
// { name: 'height', label: 'Height', widget: 'number', valueType: 'int', required: false },
// { name: 'classes', label: 'Classes', widget: 'string', required: false },
// ],
// // Pattern to identify a block as being an instance of this component
// pattern: /^!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\s*(?:\"(.*?)\")?\)(?:{:\s*(?:width="([0-9]*)")?\s*(?:height="([0-9]*)?")?\s*(?:class="(.*?)")?})?$/,
// //image "(.*?)"(\s+alt="(.*?)")?(\s+caption="(.*?)")?(\s+([0-9]+)w)?(\s+([0-9]+)h)?
// //image "(.*?)"(\s+alt="(.*?)")?(\s+classes="(.*?)")?(\s+caption="(.*?)")?(\s+([0-9]+)w)?(\s+([0-9]+)h)?
// //<figure>\s*<img\s*src="(\S*)"\s*(?:alt="(.*?)")?\s*(?:class="(.*?)")?\s*(?:width="([0-9]*)")?\s*(?:height="([0-9]*)")?>\s*(?:<figcaption>(.*?)<\/figcaption>)?\s*<\/figure>
// // Function to extract data elements from the regexp match
// fromBlock: function (match) {
// return {
// alt: match[1] || '',
// image: match[2] || '',
// title: match[3] || '',
// width: match[4] || '',
// height: match[5] || '',
// classes: match[6] || ''
// };
// },
// // Function to create a text block from an instance of this component
// toBlock: function (obj) {
// var alt = obj.alt ? obj.alt : '';
// var src = obj.image ? obj.image : '';
// var title = obj.title ? ' "' + obj.title + '"' : '';
// var width = obj.width ? ' width="' + obj.width + '"' : '';
// var height = obj.height ? ' height="' + obj.height + '"' : '';
// var classes = obj.classes ? ' class="' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
// return '![' + alt + '](' + src + title + '){:' + width + height + classes + '}';
// },
// // Preview output for this component. Can either be a string or a React component
// // (component gives better render performance)
// toPreview: function (obj) {
// var src = obj.image ? ' src="' + obj.image + '"' : '';
// var alt = obj.alt ? ' alt="' + obj.alt + '"' : '';
// var title = obj.title ? ' title="' + obj.title + '"' : '';
// var classes = obj.classes ? ' class="' + obj.classes + '"' : '';
// var width = obj.width ? ' width="' + obj.width + '"' : '';
// var height = obj.height ? ' height="' + obj.height + '"' : '';
// return (
// '<img' + src + alt + title + classes + width + height + '>'
// );
// }
// });