
32 lines
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created: 20230202104823127
creator: Octt
modified: 20231102103637880
modifier: Octt
tags: Nintendo Gaming $:/i18n:en Console
title: NES
<<^wikipediaframe "Nintendo Entertainment System" en>>
!! ''Resources''
* <<YoutubeL bfJzJOQqsDk "Pushing The Limits of the NES: Amazing Hacks That Made NES Games Possible [Sharopolis]">>
* [[NES (Famicom) Development Kit Hardware [Retro Reversing]|https://www.retroreversing.com/famicom-nes-development-kit/]]
* [[NesDev.org|https://www.nesdev.org/]] --- //Info, programs, and more//
* [[Nintendo Entertainment System Documentation|https://www.nesdev.org/NESDoc.pdf]]
* [[Nerdy Nights (mirror)|https://nerdy-nights.nes.science/]] --- //tutorial series to help people write games for the NES//
* <<httpL nesdoug.com>> --- NES Programming tutorial in C
** [[GitBook re-adaptation by dag7dev|https://dag7.gitbook.io/nesdoug-nes-guide]] //for a comfy read// --- <<#[ Git"https://github.com/dag7dev/nesdoug-nes-guide">>
* [[everynes/no$nes technical documentation|https://problemkaputt.de/everynes.htm]]
* General [[Useful tools for NES development|https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/Tools]]
* [[Retro Puzzle Maker|https://puzzle.nes.science]] --- //new tool meant to help you create new puzzle games you can play on an NES//
* <<linkdescgit "C NES Starter Kit""https://cppchriscpp.github.io/nes-starter-kit/" "Simplified starter kit for making NES games using C and graphical tools." "https://github.com/cppchriscpp/nes-starter-kit">>
* [[ASM NES Starter Kit|https://github.com/battlelinegames/nes-starter-kit]] --- //starter kit for developing Nintendo Entertainment System games using 6502 Assembly language// with specific useful information
* [[nessemble|https://github.com/kevinselwyn/nessemble]] --- //6502 assembler/disassembler/simulator targeting the Nintendo Entertainment System//
* [[BZK 6502 Disassembler|https://github.com/cyneprepou4uk/BZK-6502-Disassembler]] --- //Create a disassembly of a NES game// --- <<[# Manual "https://cyneprepou4uk.github.io/iromhacker/nes/en/bzk6502/1/index.html">> <<[# Thread "https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=31875.0">>
* [[NES Games Disassembly|https://github.com/cyneprepou4uk/NES-Games-Disassembly]] --- //Source code of some NES games// --- <<[# Thread "https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=32220.0">>