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created: 20230206192842398
creator: Octt
modified: 20231221232653528
modifier: Octt
tags: Web PHP CMS
title: WordPress
\define lwplug(slug, title) [[$title$|https://wordpress.org/plugins/$slug$]]
<<^wikipediaframe WordPress en>>
* [[How to Add Code to WordPress Header and Footer|https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/add-code-wordpress-header-footer/]]
* [[WordPress Plugins SVN Mirror|http://web.archive.org/web/20200805015358/http://www.pluginmirror.com/]] (apparently website is dead?) --- //Say hello to fully automated GitHub mirrors of every plugin in the WordPress.org plugin repository.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/wp-plugins">>
!!! Plugins
* <<lwplug activitypub ActivityPub>> --- //Enter the fediverse with ActivityPub, broadcasting your blog to a wider audience!// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/automattic/wordpress-activitypub">>
* <<lwplug press-this "Press This">> (once part of WP, now an official plugin) --- //Posting images, links, and cat gifs will never be the same.// --- <<[# Support"https://wordpress.com/support/press-this/">> <<[# Codex"https://codex.wordpress.org/Press_This">>
** [[Creating Quick Blog Posts with Press This|https://make.wordpress.org/support/user-manual/posts/creating-quick-blog-posts-with-press-this/]]
* <<lwplug writing-on-github "Writing On GitHub">> --- //A WordPress plugin to allow you writing on GitHub (or Jekyll site)//, and vice-versa --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/litefeel/writing-on-github">>
* <<lwplug url-params "URL Params">> --- allows you to access URL parameters in the Query String of the URL via shortcodes
!!! Themes
* [[BSoJ|https://wordpress.org/themes/bsoj/]] //(Blue Screen of Joy) is a blog theme inspired by the infamous Blue Screen of Death//
* [[Stewart|https://wordpress.org/themes/stewart/]] is a modern blogging theme with a left sidebar. Its default color scheme is a striking combination of orange and light gray, to give your blog a sophisticated appearance from day one.
* [[Tomoni|https://wordpress.org/themes/tomoni/]] is a //theme that displays a use case of multilingual content with Japanese//, with many color palettes