OcttKB/Wiki-OcttKB/tiddlers/Normal/_Text editor.tid

21 lines
1.2 KiB

created: 20231111224636577
creator: Octt
modified: 20231221234551233
modifier: Octt
title: Text editor
<<^wikipediaframe "Text editor">>
* [[xed|https://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/xed]] --- //X-Apps [Text] Editor (Cross-DE, backward-compatible, GTK3, traditional UI)// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/linuxmint/xed">>
** [[Xed Text Editor - [How to install] Custom Syntax Highlighting?|https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=358433]] --- just put the `.lang` file in `/usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs/`
!! Code editor
<<^wikipediaframe "Code editor">>
* <<linkdescgit Geany"https://www.geany.org/" "The Flyweight IDE" "https://github.com/geany">>
* <<linkdescgit ICEcoder"https://icecoder.net/" "Code editor awesomeness ...in your browser" "https://github.com/icecoder">> --- seems it's not at all optimized for mobile, kind of a waste
* [[Notepad++|https://notepad-plus-plus.org/]] --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus">>
** [[notepadqq|https://notepadqq.com/]] --- //simple, general-purpose editor for Linux//, heavily inspired from Notepad++ (apparently not actively maintained anymore) --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/notepadqq">>