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synced 2025-03-24 04:20:04 +01:00
221 lines
4.8 KiB
221 lines
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🏧: ATM sign
🚮: litter in bin sign
🚰: potable water
♿: wheelchair symbol
🚹: men’s room
🚺: women’s room
🚻: restroom
🚼: baby symbol
🚾: water closet
🛂: passport control
🛃: customs
🛄: baggage claim
🛅: left luggage
⚠️: warning
🚸: children crossing
⛔: no entry
🚫: prohibited
🚳: no bicycles
🚭: no smoking
🚯: no littering
🚱: non-potable water
🚷: no pedestrians
📵: no mobile phones
🔞: no one under eighteen
☢️: radioactive
☣️: biohazard
⬆️: up arrow
↗️: up-right arrow
➡️: right arrow
↘️: down-right arrow
⬇️: down arrow
↙️: down-left arrow
⬅️: left arrow
↖️: up-left arrow
↕️: up-down arrow
↔️: left-right arrow
↩️: right arrow curving left
↪️: left arrow curving right
⤴️: right arrow curving up
⤵️: right arrow curving down
🔃: clockwise vertical arrows
🔄: counterclockwise arrows button
🔙: BACK arrow
🔚: END arrow
🔛: ON! arrow
🔜: SOON arrow
🔝: TOP arrow
🛐: place of worship
⚛️: atom symbol
🕉️: om
✡️: star of David
☸️: wheel of dharma
☯️: yin yang
✝️: latin cross
☦️: orthodox cross
☪️: star and crescent
☮️: peace symbol
🕎: menorah
🔯: dotted six-pointed star
♈: Aries
♉: Taurus
♊: Gemini
♋: Cancer
♌: Leo
♍: Virgo
♎: Libra
♏: Scorpio
♐: Sagittarius
♑: Capricorn
♒: Aquarius
♓: Pisces
⛎: Ophiuchus
🔀: shuffle tracks button
🔁: repeat button
🔂: repeat single button
▶️: play button
⏩: fast-forward button
⏭️: next track button
⏯️: play or pause button
◀️: reverse button
⏪: fast reverse button
⏮️: last track button
🔼: upwards button
⏫: fast up button
🔽: downwards button
⏬: fast down button
⏸️: pause button
⏹️: stop button
⏺️: record button
⏏️: eject button
🎦: cinema
🔅: dim button
🔆: bright button
📶: antenna bars
📳: vibration mode
📴: mobile phone off
♀️: female sign
♂️: male sign
⚧️: transgender symbol
✖️: multiply
➕: plus
➖: minus
➗: divide
♾️: infinity
‼️: double exclamation mark
⁉️: exclamation question mark
❓: red question mark
❔: white question mark
❕: white exclamation mark
❗: red exclamation mark
〰️: wavy dash
💱: currency exchange
💲: heavy dollar sign
⚕️: medical symbol
♻️: recycling symbol
⚜️: fleur-de-lis
🔱: trident emblem
📛: name badge
🔰: Japanese symbol for beginner
⭕: hollow red circle
✅: check mark button
☑️: check box with check
✔️: check mark
❌: cross mark
❎: cross mark button
➰: curly loop
➿: double curly loop
〽️: part alternation mark
✳️: eight-spoked asterisk
✴️: eight-pointed star
❇️: sparkle
©️: copyright
®️: registered
™️: trade mark
#️⃣: keycap #
*️⃣: keycap *
0️⃣: keycap 0
1️⃣: keycap 1
2️⃣: keycap 2
3️⃣: keycap 3
4️⃣: keycap 4
5️⃣: keycap 5
6️⃣: keycap 6
7️⃣: keycap 7
8️⃣: keycap 8
9️⃣: keycap 9
🔟: keycap 10
🔠: input latin uppercase
🔡: input latin lowercase
🔢: input numbers
🔣: input symbols
🔤: input latin letters
🅰️: A button (blood type)
🆎: AB button (blood type)
🅱️: B button (blood type)
🆑: CL button
🆒: COOL button
🆓: FREE button
ℹ️: information
🆔: ID button
Ⓜ️: circled M
🆕: NEW button
🆖: NG button
🅾️: O button (blood type)
🆗: OK button
🅿️: P button
🆘: SOS button
🆙: UP! button
🆚: VS button
🈁: Japanese “here” button
🈂️: Japanese “service charge” button
🈷️: Japanese “monthly amount” button
🈶: Japanese “not free of charge” button
🈯: Japanese “reserved” button
🉐: Japanese “bargain” button
🈹: Japanese “discount” button
🈚: Japanese “free of charge” button
🈲: Japanese “prohibited” button
🉑: Japanese “acceptable” button
🈸: Japanese “application” button
🈴: Japanese “passing grade” button
🈳: Japanese “vacancy” button
㊗️: Japanese “congratulations” button
㊙️: Japanese “secret” button
🈺: Japanese “open for business” button
🈵: Japanese “no vacancy” button
🔴: red circle
🟠: orange circle
🟡: yellow circle
🟢: green circle
🔵: blue circle
🟣: purple circle
🟤: brown circle
⚫: black circle
⚪: white circle
🟥: red square
🟧: orange square
🟨: yellow square
🟩: green square
🟦: blue square
🟪: purple square
🟫: brown square
⬛: black large square
⬜: white large square
◼️: black medium square
◻️: white medium square
◾: black medium-small square
◽: white medium-small square
▪️: black small square
▫️: white small square
🔶: large orange diamond
🔷: large blue diamond
🔸: small orange diamond
🔹: small blue diamond
🔺: red triangle pointed up
🔻: red triangle pointed down
💠: diamond with a dot
🔘: radio button
🔳: white square button
🔲: black square button