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synced 2025-02-22 06:07:46 +01:00
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created: 20230429190335486
creator: Octt
modified: 20240226140457906
modifier: Octt
title: Saved/Sites/Development
Saved sites that are mainly about development (mainly devlogs, project showcases, or tips+tricks, and online tools).
Note: the most technically useful ones, or the non-too-personal ones, might be listed under [[Development/Resources]].
* [[Aibol Kussain|https://aibolik.com/]] --- //My Online space to share my learning in tech//
* [[Hello Algorithms, Blockchain and Cloud|https://helloacm.com/]] --- //The Knowledgebase of Computing// --- seems like the most interesting and unique posts are the very old ones, still saving it here just for those.
* [[binji's dustbin|https://binji.github.io/]]
* [[bobbyhadz blog|https://bobbyhadz.com/]] --- //I write articles about Web Development and Cloud Computing.//
* [[Chibi Aliens / ChibiAkumas|https://www.chibialiens.com/]] --- //learn Assembly for the Greatest Classic Processors//
* [[The Copetti Site - Rodrigo Copetti|https://www.copetti.org/]] --- //Technical writings for hungry readers// --- has a //Architecture of Consoles// series
* [[copyrat90::devlog|https://copyrat90.github.io/]], <<httpL velog.io/@copyrat90>> --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/copyrat90/copyrat90.github.io">>
* [[Coto's development site|https://coto88.bitbucket.io/]]
* [[Ctrl Alt Develop|https://www.ctrlaltdevelop.com/]] --- //Control the conditions. Alter your paradigm. Develop a solution.//
* [[delasign|https://www.delasign.com/]] --- //we design, develop & optimize digital products & experiences for companies & individuals.//
* [[DevDugeon|https://www.devdungeon.com/]] --- //Virtual Hackerspace; programming, cybersecurity, software freedom, and electronics//
* [[cpprograms|https://cpprograms.net/]]
* [[DefKorns|https://defkorns.github.io/]] --- //Mod repository// (has a cool strange Spiderman theme?)
* [[Dragonminded.com|https://dragonminded.com/]] --- //...a site for everything else//
* [[Dr.Hell's Page - 独田地獄斎之頁|https://drhell.web.fc2.com/]]
* [[Dustin John Pfister|https://dustinpfister.github.io/]]
* [[Fyrdility (Alexis Deveria)|https://a.deveria.com/]] --- //web design, web development, web technologies, web browsers and web standards//
* <<linkdescgit "Hydra's Lair" "https://hydr8gon.github.io" "Emulators and Stuff" "https://github.com/Hydr8gon/hydr8gon.github.io">>
* [[Jack's AutoHotkey Blog|https://jacks-autohotkey-blog.com/]] --- //Feed Your Brain While Adding Power to Your Windows Computers//
* [[Joaquim Ley|https://web.archive.org/web/20230604080543/https://www.joaquimley.com/]] --- //Builder, Engineer. Working in leadership. Blockchain, AI, social impact & climate.//
** [[Joaquim Ley Blog|https://web.archive.org/web/20211027065800/https://joaquimley.com/blog]] --- //Writing about my experience sailing the tech world.//
* [[Hey onetwo!|https://onetwo.ren/]] --- //林一二的开放记忆 | 关于前端_模因学_语义网_游戏开发_的博客 (Lin Yier's Open Memory | Blog about front-end, memetics, semantic web, game development)//
** TiddlyWiki: [[Standard|https://onetwo.ren/wiki/]], [[Prerelease|https://wiki.onetwo.ren/]] --- //knowledge base mainly used to store text memes that Lin Yier encounters by chance, as well as to replace his various thoughts posted in Weibo Moments, and as a directory to pile up online content to be sorted out during the exploration process//
* <<httpsL kura.gg>>
* [[Lessons from a... Creative Developer (iwearshorts.com)|https://iwearshorts.com/]] --- //Things I learn along the way, I keep here. Life, lessons and betterment through code.//
* [[Krzysztof Kowalczyk|https://blog.kowalczyk.info/]] --- design and implementation of software
* [[Lameguy64|http://lameguy64.net/]] --- mainly PS1 development projects
* [[loadzero|https://blog.loadzero.com/]] --- //Jason McSweeney, unix hacker and recovering video game programmer//
* [[Meefik's Blog|https://meefik.github.io/]] --- //Freedom and Open Source// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/meefik/meefik.github.io">>
* [[Mike MGarcia's Games Development Blog|http://mgarcia.org/]] --- //Hobby GameDev like its 1999//
* [[Muffin Man|https://muffinman.io/]] --- //Frontend & creative coding, I'm Stanko, a software engineer in Amsterdam, making digital products and generative art.//
* [[notin.tokyo (不在東京)|https://notin.tokyo]]
* [[null program (Chris Wellons)|https://nullprogram.com/]]
* [[Patater|https://www.patater.com/]] --- has a lot of retrodevelopment projects and resources, especially NDS
** [[GBAGuy's Lair Patater Mirror|https://www.patater.com/gbaguy/]] --- notes on some retrodevelopment
* [[Photon Storm|https://photonstorm.com/]] --- //HTML5 Game Development Services//
* [[Ryan Gaudion|https://gaudion.dev/]] --- //Software Developer Portfolio & Programming Blog// --- <<[# Git "https://github.com/RyanGaudion/GaudionDev">>
* [[Shiru's Stuff|https://shiru.untergrund.net/index.shtml]]
* [[Smea’s DevBlog|http://web.archive.org/web/20110628103457/http://smealum.net/]]
* <<linkdescgit SkyLyrac"https://www.skylyrac.net" "Hacking, software projects and my thoughts" "https://github.com/AntonioND/antoniond.github.io">>
* [[Tan Li Hau 陈立豪|https://lihautan.com/]] --- //Frontend Developer at Shopee Singapore//
* <<httpsL tonsky.me>> --- //programming and UI design//
* [[The Ramblings Of A Coder by Omer Anson|https://omeranson.github.io/]] --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/omeranson/omeranson.github.io">>
* [[Tom McFarlin|https://tommcfarlin.com/]] --- //Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development//
* [[UTF-8.jp|https://utf-8.jp/]]
* [[Will Usher|https://www.willusher.io/]] --- //Scientific Visualization Engineer//
* [[Yomotsu net|https://yomotsu.net/]] --- //Akihiro Oyamada I'm a Web-Front-End-Engineer, as well as a Microsoft MVP for Internet Explorer since 2011 to 2017. Playing with CSS3, SVG, WebGL and others.//
* [[Zenithia|https://zenithsal.com/]] --- //Indie Game developer. Loves retro tech, making 8-bit music, motorcycles.//
* [[ZetCode|https://zetcode.com/]] - //accessible tutorials for various languages//
Mainly game development:
* [[Gaffer On Games|https://gafferongames.com/]]
* [[Mason Barry Games|https://masonbarrygames.com/]] --- //3D Artist/Graphic Designer, inspiration comes from retro games from PlayStation 1 and Nintendo 64//
* [[Retro-Programming|https://retro-programming.com/]] --- //Welcome to Old School Game Programming//