created: 20220923110724649 creator: Octt modified: 20240212174142767 modifier: Octt tags: title: Nintendo <<^wikipediaframe Nintendo>> * [[Pikmin Finder|]] --- //AR experience in which you can find Pikmin around you using a smart device camera.// --- <<[# Announcement"">> * Flipnote Studio ** [[Sudomemo: Flipnote Hatena is back!|]] --- //Sudomemo is the place to share flipbook animations - called Flipnotes - created and posted from Flipnote Studio on the Nintendo DSi and 3DS// --- somehow I can't find the actual server source code on their Git, only other tools and minor things * <> * [[Froxot Browser Games for Nintendo DSi/3DS/2DS|]] ; Tools : [[mkey generator|]] - //3DS / Wii U / Switch parental controls master key generator// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> : [[NDSTokyoTrim|]] - batch trimmer with wifi detection --- <<[# Thread"">> !!! ''News'' ; March 2023 : <>.