created: 20230304233558003 creator: Octt modified: 20230306170246187 modifier: Octt tags: title: Saved/News Headlines saved as future bookmarks that don't really fit into other tiddlers. ; March 2023 : [[Secret Service, ICE break the law over and over with fake cell tower spying|]]. : [[Plan to incinerate soil from Ohio train derailment is ‘horrifying’, says expert|]] - //Soil is being sent to a nearby incinerator with a history of clean air violations, raising fears the chemicals will be redistributed//. : [[Leaked audio reveals US rail workers were told to skip inspections as Ohio crash prompts scrutiny to industry|]] - //employee says manager told her to stop marking cars for repair, as Ohio derailment brings hard look at industry’s record of blocking safety rules//. : [[Denver’s e-bike subsidy program produced more new riders, fewer car trips|]]. : [[Vittorio Feltri sui migranti: "Agli extracomunitari ricordo un vecchio detto italiano: partire è un po' morire. State a casa vostra"|]]. ; February 2023 : [[Crotone, il racconto dei sopravvissuti: "Nella stiva eravamo 180, ci facevano salire solo per respirare. Gli scafisti fuggiti su un canotto"|]]. : <> - "//Io non partirei se fossi disperato perché sono stato educato alla responsabilità'//". : [[Report: US Pedestrian Death Rate Increased 9x Faster Than Population During COVID|]]. : [[Bankman-Fried and others allegedly made 300 illegal political donations|]]. : [[U.S. food additives banned in Europe: Expert says what Americans eat is "almost certainly" making them sick|]].