created: 20230127155833205 creator: Octt modified: 20231105151047506 modifier: Octt tags: TiddlyWiki $:/i18n:en Discussion title: TiddlyWiki/Notes !!! ''Discussions and Solutions'' Discussions that helped or might help me solve problems, some started by me. And also some that are just plain interesing. * [[How do you edit your wiki with both the web app and external editors?|]] * [[Multilanguage Wiki - Found a solution, but need help for improving it|]]
* [[Date time wiki last updated or saved?|]] * [[Disable CodeMirror when on Mobile|]] * [[Footnotes|]] * [[I want to edit something, oh no that's a transclusion|]] | [[How do I transclude an edit window of a tiddler?|]] | [[How to quickly navigate to a transcluded tiddler?|]] * [[Is there way to make TiddlyWiki system-wide case insensitive?|]] * [[Macro to Create TOC Like Table with Dot Leader|]] * [[Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)|]] * [[[TW5] Tag (Text) Cloud for TW5?|]] | [[TagCloud plugin|]] * [[Setting HTML attributes with a macro?|]] * [[[Plugin] Presenting TW5-Uglify! Plugin compression the TiddlyWIki way!|]] * [[TiddlyWiki Tiddler Editor: How to Improve the Usability?|]] * [[Using conditional assignment mode of SetWidget to check empty strings|]] * [[Notes on handling variables in TiddlyWiki|]] * [[Macros are not functions (Grok TW)|]] * [[Wikification (Grok TW)|]]