.URL: https://librex.octt.eu.org caption: Browser created: 20230225105917089 creator: Octt list-after: Map modified: 20230228225126748 modifier: Octt tags: $:/tags/SideBar title: $:/OcttKB/WebBrowser Yo dawg, I heard you like web browsers, so I put a browser inside this wiki, so that you can browse the web while you use your browser to browse the wiki from your browser! If the CORS machine doesn't break again, that is... <$edit-text class="Edit-Text-Full" tiddler="$:/OcttKB/WebBrowser" field=".URL" /> <$macrocall $name="iFrameBypass" Src={{$:/OcttKB/WebBrowser!!.URL}} Class="iFrameFitX iFrameFullY"/>