created: 20230117104437158 creator: Octt modified: 20230724222006518 modifier: Octt tags: $:/i18n:en title: ImageMagick <<^wikipediaframe ImageMagick en>> !!! ''How to'' * [[Convert pdf to pdf without losing quality|]] ** //you have to upsize and put density first, e.g: `convert -density 288 input.pdf -resize 25% output.pdf`// * [[Cutting and Bordering|]] ** [[How to crop an image?|]] ** The most classic crop command is `-crop x++` !!! ''Troubleshooting'' * [[ImageMagick using too much memory to convert PDF files|]] ** How to limit resources used? [[-limit type value|]] * [[Error "cache resources exhausted"|]] ** [[ImageMagick can come with very low limits|]], example before and after fix * [[security policy 'PDF' blocking conversion|]] ** Edit `/etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml` to comment out a line like ``, OR edit `rights="[...]"` to `rights="read|write"`