created: 20230818075833750 creator: Octt modified: 20231213001700023 modifier: Octt tags: Forum title: phpBB * [[]] * [[]] <<^wikipediaframe phpBB>> * [[How to Install phpBB with Nginx and MariaDB on Ubuntu Linux|]] --- Note: the `php-fpm` package might need to be installed by specifying version, and it's better to use [[phpBB's official nginx.sample.conf|]]. * [[Creating custom BBcode with optional parameter?|]] ** also see [[Custom BBCode syntax of s9e\TextFormatter|]] * [[phpBB Studio|]] --- //Extension developers for phpBB// !!! ''Extensions'' * [[Knowledge Base|]] --- //An extension for phpBB 3.1.x that adds a knowledge base to your board// --- <<[# Git "">> * [[RESTApiForPhpBB|]] --- //Unofficial REST API for PhpBB with example client// (Incomplete and Abandoned, but decent working base for a fork) * [[RH Topic Tags|]] --- //Enables tagging of topics with key words// --- <<#[ Git "">> ** [[Fork updated for phpBB 3.3.9+ (2 fixes)|]] !!! ''Styles'' * [[Milk|]] --- //Flat, Modern Multipurpose Responsive Theme// --- <<[# Nullsto "">> * [[phpBB3 WAP Style|]]