created: 20230429190756464 creator: Octt modified: 20230429190812234 modifier: Octt tags: title: JavaScript/Frameworks * ''[[Alpine.js|]]'' - //Rugged, minimal<> framework for composing JavaScript behavior in the markup// - [[[Git|]]] ** [[HyperJS|]] - //Collection of Alpine JS components// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * ''[[Electron|]]'' - //Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS// - [[[Git|]]] * ''[[React|]]'' - //Building UI-oriented apps with [[JSX|]]// - [[[Git|]]] ** ''[[React Native|]]'' - //Compiling ReactJS apps to native ones// - [[[Git|]]] * ''[[Tauri|]]'' - //Use Rust to build desktop and mobile apps with a web frontend// - [[[Git|]]]