created: 20230116211647194 creator: Octt modified: 20231212234134224 modifier: Octt tags: $:/i18n:en title: Emulation <<^wikipediaframe Emulator en >> !! ''Resources'' * a big list of [[Emulators written in JavaScript|]] * a <> * [[EmulatorJS|]] --- //tool to embed an emulator into your website// --- <<[# Git"">> ** It was apparently born as a reverse-engineering of <> * [[Is it possible to make a ROM converter?|]] --- Spoiler: yes, but not often and not without high costs ** [[jamulator: Statically Recompiling NES Games into Native Executables with LLVM and Go|]] !!! ''Web Sites'' * [[Emulation General Wiki|]] * [[Zophar's Domain|]] !!! ''Game Console Emulators'' * * * !!! ''General PC Emulators'' * [[Virtual x86 (v86) by copy|]] - //x86 virtualization in your browser, recompiling x86 to wasm on the fly// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[TinyEMU|]] - //system emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures// ** [[JSLinux|]] - //Run Linux or ''other Operating'' Systems in your browser!// * * [[Bochs|]] - //IA-32 emulator// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ** <> by lubomyr<> - Sources: [[Core|]], [[GUI|]] * [[PCem|]] - IBM PC emulator with focus on emulation of infinite hardware components - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ** [[86Box|]] --- a sometimes more recommended fork --- <<[# Git "">> !!! ''Linux Emulators'' * [[WebVM|]] - //Linux virtualization for the Web, in WebAssembly// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[box86\box64|]] - //Linux Userspace x86 Emulator for ARM// - <<[ "[[Git (86)|]]">> <<[ "[[Git (64)|]]">> !!! ''Other'' * [[Thumbnails for RetroArch|]] * * [[Emulator files|]] (system BIOS and such)