created: 20221110120605389 creator: Octt icon: 🐍 modified: 20230307220831705 modifier: Octt page-cover: tags: Development $:/i18n:en title: Python [[Python|]] is a high-level, general-purpose, dynamically-typed, and garbage-collected programming language, with an extensive standard library and mandatory-indentation style. I hate that, while tab-indentation is practically supported by the interpreter, it's against the standard and linters/editors hate you if you use tabs instead of spaces. <<^wikipediaframe Python>> * [[PocketPy|]] - //C++17 header-only Python interpreter for game engines.// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[Hex string to int|]] --- `int('6f637474', 16)`, `int('0x6f637474', 10)`