created: 20230113225512278 creator: Octt modified: 20230215184256703 modifier: Octt tags: $:/i18n:en Libre title: wallabag //''[[wallabag|]]'' is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.// * * * * ''[[Wombag|]]'' - Unofficial reimplementation of the Wallabag server (compatible with the normal v2 API, but missing many secondary features) My experience: * Feature-rich but the UX is clean and not bloated ** Has annotations (which I haven't really used) and RSS feeds * Rich client support ** Good and full web interface, official simplified Android app, supported by [[KOReader]] * Really really unstable and inefficient (but I wouldn't call it resource-heavy, it absorbs very little) ** After months of hosting the official [[Docker]] container on my [[Raspberry Pi]] 3<>, I can say that: *** It constantly implodes, often crashing by itself for no particular reason, sometimes bringing the entire server to a crawl (explosion) **** The server is a lot more prone to crashing if contacted by my Kindle (only tried via KOReader, but either via the plugin or just downloading the RSS feed) *** ~~Docker container is strangely arranged, it takes ~7 minutes to boot up, I see that it calls processes like Ansible (which would be OK for other kinds of deployments but not really for a release container, which should be static)~~<> *** Needs extra steps for upgrading: on 2023-02-15 I installed the latest version<> as a new container, but pointing to the old database (created at the time of v2.5.4, and it gave an unrecoverable error after trying to login with correct data<>. I couldn't run the new version with my already existing data "as-is", it's mandatory to fist [[do a database migration|]]