created: 20230202104823127 creator: Octt modified: 20240119121912787 modifier: Octt tags: Nintendo Gaming $:/i18n:en Console title: Nintendo Entertainment System <<^wikipediaframe "Nintendo Entertainment System" en>> !! ''Resources'' * <> * <> (thanks to a Mesen feature) * [[NES (Famicom) Development Kit Hardware [Retro Reversing]|]] * (Playlists of) [[Some NES Multicarts Music|]] ; [[NES/Famicom Multicarts Music Remake Video|]] * [[Unchained Nostalgia v1.4.0 [2018/11/15] (a NES/Famicom/Dendy demo)|]] --- //based on the pirate multicart with a romantic storyline and the Unchained Melody in the menu.// --- <<[# Thread"">> ** Original source appeared to be lost to the author forgetting to reupload it after BitBucked fucked up and deleted the hg repo, I was able to find [[some parts on Web Archive|]] and copied them: [[]] (binary assets are missing but they could be extracted from the compiled ROM, what matters is having the ASM now) * [[ArtisaNES|]] --- //Artisanal NES consoles aesthetic mods// (paints) * [[|]] --- //Info, programs, and more// * [[Nintendo Entertainment System Documentation|]] * <> --- //home to a bunch of random NES stuff// and useful archives * [[Nerdy Nights (mirror)|]] --- //tutorial series to help people write games for the NES// * <> --- NES Programming tutorial in C ** [[GitBook re-adaptation by dag7dev|]] //for a comfy read// --- <<#[ Git"">> * [[everynes/no$nes technical documentation|]] * [[NES Programming [Wikibooks]|]] --- an extremely WIP resource on the matter as of 2023/11, but it's worth for it being just a concise list of specs and memory layout * General [[Useful tools for NES development|]] ** [[FamiStudio|]] --- //very simple music editor for NES/Famicom targeted at both chiptune artists and NES homebrewers// --- <<[# Git"">> ** FamiTracker: after official development ceased and website died, see <> *** apparently, current best fork is [[Dn-Famitracker|]] ** [[nixel|]] --- web editor for CHRs inside NES ROMs with a good UX ** [[NEXXT|]] --- //Featureful NES assets studio based off the classic "NES Screen Tool". It's the "famitracker" of NES graphics.// (sources included) * [[Retro Puzzle Maker|]] --- //new tool meant to help you create new puzzle games you can play on an NES// * <> * [[ASM NES Starter Kit|]] --- //starter kit for developing Nintendo Entertainment System games using 6502 Assembly language// with specific useful information * [[little-things-nes|]] --- //One-off tech demos and test ROMs for NES// * [[nessemble|]] --- //6502 assembler/disassembler/simulator targeting the Nintendo Entertainment System// --- <<[# Thread"">> * [[BZK 6502 Disassembler|]] --- //Create a disassembly of a NES game// --- <<[# Manual "">> <<[# Thread "">> * [[Disassembling NES ROM, What Disassembler to Use?|]] * [[NES Games Disassembly|]] --- //Source code of some NES games// --- <<[# Thread "">> * [[How to Hack NES Games [JohnRiggs]|]] * [[$8000 and $C000 on the NES|]] --- mapper 0 maps the PRG ROM to both addresses * [[How to extract CHR & PRG from a NES/UNiF file|]] --- depends on the mapper, usually PRG is at the start (after the iHeader) and CHR at the end * [[Looking For MIDI to NES/NSF Converter|]] !!! Emulators * [[FCEUX|]] --- //The all in one NES/Famicom/Dendy Emulator// --- <<[# "">> * [[Nestopia|]] ** [[Nestopia UE|]] (the successor) --- // Cross-platform Nestopia emulator core with a GUI// --- <<[# Git"">> * [[NesDs|]]