created: 20231119004553704 creator: Octt modified: 20240130121432753 modifier: Octt page-cover: tags: Gaming title: Gaming console <<^wikipediaframe "Gaming console">> * [[Console Protocols|]] --- //site dedicated to the accurate documentation of protocols used to communicate with and inside of game consoles// * [[|]] --- //collaborative community focused on collecting and preserving the ephemeral knowledge of console modifications, repairs, and restoration methods// * <> (Sup Famiclone) ** <> (better quality AV out) * <> * [[Fun project -hack cheap handheld console- help with BGA NAND flash chip needed|]] * [[Dissecting a hand-held NOAC console|]] --- //This is an attempt to understand how these little things work, and what we can do on it.// * <> ** [[teardown: e-mods rs-1 handheld|]] ** [[Искусство кройки и шитья или возможность заменить игры в портативной игровой консоли SUP (The art of cutting and sewing or the ability to replace games in a portable SUP game console)|]] * [[V.R. Technology IC Design|]] (official site with manuals, datasheets, and downloads) ** [[VTxx|]]