created: 20230527075722203 creator: Octt modified: 20231105105414349 modifier: Octt tags: title: BBS <<^wikipediaframe "Bulletin board system">> !!! ''BBSes'' * [[Xibalba BBS|]] --- BBS from ENiGMA½ developer. !!! ''Software'' * //[[ENiGMA½|]] is a modern BBS software with a nostalgic flair!// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ** Warning: with this software, after ~1 month of very little active usage (no one ever logged on it, except me for the few days, so it just ran idle the last weeks...), I saw strangely-high disk I/O usage at kind of random times (node installed on microSD, the BBS on HDD). I disabled it in the meantime because, together with the [[SpaccCraft]] server, it was contributing to the rise of load average and crashing the entire server. I never had time/will to investigate properly after this discovery though.