created: 20231029001701704 creator: Octt modified: 20240119004410569 modifier: Octt tags: CPU Microprocessor Retro title: 6502 <<^wikipediaframe 6502>> * <> --- //the 6502 microprocessor resource// * [[6502 Disassembly Projects|]] * [[6502 Assembly Crash Course [NesHacker]|]] * [[]] --- Extremely reduced introduction to 6502 assembly basic concepts * [[Programming the NES: The 6502 in detail|]] * [[Benchmark: C compilers for the 6502 CPU|]] --- <<[# "Code on Git" "">> * <> ** [[cc65 coding hints|]] ; [[Advanced optimizations in CC65|]] --- //How to generate the most efficient code with cc65// *** [[CC65, array of structures supposedly bad?|]]