created: 20230221204801305 creator: Octt modified: 20240119001119592 modifier: Octt tags: title: Web/Development <<^WikipediaFrame "Web development">> !!! ''References'' ; Misc : [[Window: postMessage()|]] : [[Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file|]] ; DOM querying : [[Find all text nodes in HTML page|]] : [[Find the closest ancestor element that has a specific class|]] | [[Element.closest()|]] ; DOM manipulation : [[Insert a childNode to a specific position|]] : [[Prepend/append childNode to beginning/end of element|]] : [[Replace a DOM Element|]] ; Embeds : [[From object to iframe — other embedding technologies|]] : [[Alternative to iFrames with HTML5?|]] : [[Why are iframes considered dangerous and a security risk?|]] : [[4 IFrame Security Concerns You Should Know|]] !!! ''Tools and similar'' * - //tranforms CSS to be compatible with old Internet Explorer// * [[CORS Anywhere|]] - //Server proxy which adds CORS headers to the request// * [[Web developer tools (|]] --- <<[# Git"">> !!!! Minification * ~~[[node-minify|]] - //Light Node.js module and CLI app that compress javascript, css and html files//~~ !!! ''Misc'' * [[|]] - //Guidance to build modern web experiences that work on any browser// (?) * [[Go Make Things|]] - //how to build a simpler, more resilient web// ** [[The Vanilla JS Toolkit|]] - //tools and snippets for working with JavaScript// (libraries, functions, polyfills, learning) * [[Web Accessibility Developer Guide|]] * [[Using