created: 20230202110726082 creator: Octt modified: 20240110004702177 modifier: Octt tags: Gaming Sony Console $:/i18n:en WIP title: PlayStation Portable <<^wikipediaframe PlayStation_Portable en>> * [[pspunk - PSP Guides & Resources|]] * [[How to connect your PSP on Linux|]] --- if it doesn't work automatically, do `sudo modprobe usb-storage` ** <> --- //The Guide to displaying your PSP screen on your PC over usb on linux// (... apparently not working for me but I'll save) * [[joysens|]] --- //Infamous PSP Plugin for fixing broken Joysticks on the Playstation Portable// ** <> * [[PPSSPP|]] --- //PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++.// --- <<[# Git "">>