created: 20230203214532694 creator: Octt icon: πŸ•ΈοΈ modified: 20230920083856810 modifier: Octt page-cover: tags: Internet title: Web <<^wikipediaframe World_Wide_Web en>> !! ''Resources'' * [[Can I use|]] * ''[[World Wide Web Consortium|]]'' - //international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web// - [[[Wikipedia|]]] * ''Web Archiving Services'': [[Wayback Machine]] | [[|]] | [[Ghostarchive|]] !!! ''Tools'' * [[Browserling|]] | [[BrowserStack|]] | [[LambdaTest|]] - For testing web app and sites on different browsers, straight online * [[HTTrack|]] - //Website copier, offline browser// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * ''[[|]]'' - //Serverless Web Archive Replay directly in the browser// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[TabFS|]] - //browser extension that mounts your browser tabs as a filesystem on your computer// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * ''[[W3C Markup Validation Service|]]'' - //Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, …) of Web documents// - [[[Other similar tools|]]] !!! ''Frameworks/Generators/CMS'' * [[werc - A sane web anti-framework|]] --- //Bringing minimalism and sanity to the web// --- Has interesting features with a fixed but style-customizable layout, + support for apps and extensions. !!! ''Analytics'' * ''[[GoatCounter|]]'' --- //Easy analytics. Open-source, self-hostable, GDPR-compliant. No tracking of personal data, and works without JS// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ** Note: GoatCounter tracking endpoints are blocked by the default uBlock Origin configuration, must selfhost or arrange some kind of proxy to bypass it. * [[Start Hits|]] --- //πŸš€ Easy way to know how many visitors are viewing your Github, Website, Notion πŸŽ‰// --- <<#[ Git "">> * //Others: | //