created: 20230605214923345 creator: Octt modified: 20231119150258479 modifier: Octt tags: title: Unix/Shell <<^wikipediaframe "Unix Shell">> * [[Input Field Separators|]] * [[$PWD vs. pwd regarding portability|]] --- `$(pwd)` has issues with paths with newline chars, `$PWD` is fine but can be wrongly reset by badly-made programs; all appear to be available on all good shells. * [[Get/use exit code of command|]] --- Variable `$?` * [[Split string with symbol|]] * [[How to find the last field using 'cut'|]] --- `echo '' | rev | cut -d'.' -f 1 | rev` * [[Check if a string begins with some value|]] --- `beginswith(){ case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }` * [[Remove the extension of a filename, get filename path, ... using POSIX's built-in script only|]] ** [[How can I remove the extension of a filename in a shell script?|]] * "error: arithmetic expression: expecting primary"... --- happens when calling an arithmetic expression (e.g. `$(( 5 * 7 ))`) with a missing parameter, or with quotes, in `sh`; `bash` accepts quotes and doesn't error instead. Don't use quotes in mathexps in `sh`.