created: 20220920160811383 creator: Octt icon: 🐙 modified: 20230227224258057 modifier: Octt tags: Meta $:/ToC $:/i18n:en Octt title: OcttKB !! Welcome to my Personal {[[Personal Knowledge Base]] \ Public Notebook}! General information about the site will soon be available. Licensing information is available [[here|OcttKB/Licensing]]. This is "OcttKB" because I'm [[Octt]]. Apart from the usual [[TiddlyWiki]] ones, there are many methods of navigation on this wiki. For one, try clicking on the big name line on top of of this [[OcttKB]] tiddler. !!! ''Tips'' * Click on different parts of the title of an open tiddler to navigate in a folder-like structure, when other folders or tiddlers are present as children of the current tiddler. * Click on tag pills, often as present on top of a tiddler frame, just below the title, to navigate to all tiddlers that are tagged with that tag. ** Unlike with folders, a tiddler can have many tags at the same time, allowing for non-linear navigation. !!! ''Table of Contents'' {{$:/OcttKB/ToC}} !!! ''External Links'' ; ''My Hub'', Global Home Page: [[|]] : Links to my blog, webapps, and social profiles * ''KB Git Repo'' (deploy scripts, + limited commit history): [[|]] ** Mirrors (don't send issues/PRs there): [[|]] | [[|]] //<small>Note: The KB is also served in plain, unencrypted HTTP at the `http` 5th-level subdomain: ``.</small>// !!! ''Tags'' {{$:/OcttKB/TagCloud}} <!-- <span style="Line-Height:2em;"> <$list filter="[tags[]!is[system]]"> <span style="Padding:2px;"> <$macrocall $name="tag" tag={{!!caption}}/> </span> </$list> </span> --> <!-- <<list-links filter:"[!is[system]tags[]]">> --> <!-- <br> --> <details class="tw-details"> <summary> <h3 style="display: inline; font-style: bold;"> All Tiddlers </h3> </summary> {{$:/OcttKB/AllTiddlers}} </details> <!-- <br> --> <hr><br> (Partial) [[Copyright © 2022, OctoSpacc|OcttKB/Licensing]] || OcttKB is powered by [[TiddlyWiki|TiddlyWiki]]. <small>//As with any TiddlyWiki, you can make your own changes right here and save them locally for yourself.//</small>