created: 20230202230035698 creator: Octt modified: 20230816225649623 modifier: Octt tags: OS Google Linux title: Android <<^wikipediaframe Android_(operating_system) en >> !! ''Resources'' //Note: some resources that are related to Android but also closely Java may be included under the [[Java]] section.// * [[All you need to know about LOST.DIR folder on Android devices|]] * [[What Is a NOMEDIA File?|]] --- An empty file called `.nomedia` is used to hide the media content of the directory (and subdirectories) it's placed in from gallery apps and such. !!! ''Emulation / Containerization'' * ''Anbox'' (discontinued) - //Android in a Box// - [[[Git|]]] * Android Studio Emulator (see below) * * * * ''[[WayDroid|]]'' - //container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system// - [[[Git|]]] * [[docker-android|]] --- //Android in docker solution with noVNC supported and video recording// --- Many system options but subpar performance (high latency) and weird UI, don't reccomend. <<{^ """Android/Development""">> !!! ''Memes'' * [[POV: You bought a Samsung House in the year 2030|]]