created: 20221008141221923 creator: Octt modified: 20231112232329809 modifier: Octt tags: Snippets $:/i18n:en title: FFmpeg/Snippets !! Flags * Specify an input file: `-i ${File}` * Framerate: `-r ${r}`, `-framerate ${r}` (//use both because one sometimes doesn't work//) ([[other ways|]]) !!! Filter Flags //These are specified by prefixing an argument:// * Audio: `-filter:a` or `-af` * Video: `-filter:v` or `-vf` !!!! Audio Filters * Volume: `volume=` ** `±{n}dB`: Adding or Subtracting to absolute value in dB ** `{%/100}`: Target percentage divided by 100 (e.g: //150% -> 1.5//) * Detecting volume details: `volumedetect -f null /dev/null` (just prints to console) !!!! Video Filters * Scaling: `scale=${w}:${h}` * [[Cropping|]]: `crop=${w}:${h}:${x}:${y}` !!! Audio/Video Flags //These are specified as `-flag:a` or `-flag:v`.// * Bitrate: `-b:{a|v} ${n}{k|m|...}` * Codec: `-c:{a|v} ${codec}` !!!! Audio Flags * Audio channels: `-ac ${n}` !! Codecs List !!! Special * `copy`: Copy data stream without re-encoding (if supported by container) !!! Audio Codecs * `libopus` !!! Video Codecs * `h263`, `h264`, `libx265` * `libvpx-vp8`, `libvpx-vp9` * `libaom-av1` !! Tips * [[Trim Video|]] * [[Image+Audio -> Video|]]