created: 20230216222435750 creator: Octt modified: 20240127215554237 modifier: Octt tags: Development title: Development/Resources * [[Rico's cheatsheets (|]] --- //TL;DR for developer documentation - a ridiculous collection of cheatsheets// --- <<[# Git "">> ; Learning, Reference : [[Baeldung|]] : [[DigitalOcean Tutorials|]] : [[Rollbar Tutorials|]] : [[MDN Web Docs|]] (Mozilla) : [[Programiz|]] : [[Programming Simplified|]] --- //C C++ and Java programming tutorials and programs// : [[W3Schools|]] : [[W3docs|]] --- //Tutorials, Quizzes, Certificates, Frameworks, Solutions// ; Collections and aggregates : <> : [[Developer's Documentation Collections|]] --- //(aka API docs: devdoc)// : [[DevTut|]] --- //Tutorials compiled from StackOverflow Documentation// --- <<[# "Source Git" "">> <<[# "Deploy Git" "">> ; Code search : [[|]] : [[Tabnine|]] ; Badges : <> : <>