created: 20240129005609875 creator: Octt modified: 20240226140501704 modifier: Octt tags: title: Saved/Sites/Blogs * [[sitoctt]] * [[Anna’s Blog|]] --- // Hi, I’m Anna. I created Anna’s Archive, the world’s largest shadow library. This is my personal blog, in which I and my teammates write about piracy, digital preservation, and more.// * [[Arcisito|]] --- <<[# Git "">> * [[Akalanka Ekanayake Blog|]] --- It's a curious blog, mainly deals with IT subject but the theme/style looks like a fashion blog lmao * [[Confessions of a Tech Junkie|]] * [[Ctrl blog by Daniel Aleksandersen|]] * [[Daring Fireball|]] * [[/dev/null|]] --- //My name is Christian Benstein and I write about macOS based workflow’s, Obsidian and Things3. My philosophy is that your mind was not created to store information but to act on it and create.// --- <<[# Git"">> * [[Eli Grey|]] * [[Fabrizio Musacchio|]] * [[FlareXes|]] * [[Gianmarco Gargiulo|]] * [[iliana etaoin|]] --- //systems engineer at oxide computer company// * [[Il Disinformatico|]] --- //Un blog di Paolo Attivissimo, giornalista informatico e cacciatore di bufale// * <> * [[Jeff Geerling|]] * [[koyu's personal website|]] * [[|]] --- Nice emulated retro-style with CRT effects and monospace text of many colors. * [[|]] --- "//Technology, philosophy, and more//" * [[Leo3418's Personal Site|]] --- <<[# Git"">> * [[Lily's Things at The Cool Site|]] * [[LiteFeel|]] * [[|]] --- //to create, to ilisperate// * [[Lyosha Cluster (Лёша Кластер)|]] * [[Mega Cat Studios, Inc.|]] --- with blog about retro, videogame, and development subjects * [[Magnetismo 2.1 - Il meglio dell'informatica|]] * [[Max Schillinger|]] --- //Linux pro, workflow optimizer, coder for life.// * [[📚 Nitay Neeman's Blog|]] * [[P01✨ CREATIVE CODER & TECHNICAL SPEAKER|]] * [[|]] (+Blog) --- //Blog de conocimiento gratuito: linux, programación, open source, bases de datos, android, frameworks, web e informática en general.// --- <<[# Git"">> * [[Read the Tea Leaves|]] --- //Software and other dark arts, by Nolan Lawson// * [[RetrOfficina4004 Vintage|]] --- //Chi non ricorda il passato è destinato a riviverlo// * [[λ ryan. himmelwright. net|]] * [[𑇢^^^°< (|]] * [[Sebastian Jambor's blog|]] --- software engineering, efficiency and other things * [[SECRET CLUB - We Break Software|]] --- //UPPING THE ANTE ON RESEARCH// * [[Simon Willison’s Weblog|]] --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[Singpolyma|]] --- //Weber, Stephen Paul singpolyma. I played the tech industry game and won.// --- includes an interesting "Actionstream" feature listing public actions done on other sites * [[Stephan Wagner|]] * [[TechLifeWeb|]] --- //Exploring the digital life// --- interesting organization of normal blog posts with microblog-style notes * //''[[Technically We Write|]]'' is about technical writing, technical editing, and all things "technical communication." Learn more about who we are.// * [[There oughta be...|]] --- //A collection of overcomplicated devices nobody needs// * [[Thiago Rossener - Desenvolvedor Front-End|]] * [[TiTiNoNero dice cose|]] * [[things i play|]] --- //My take on Gaming, Emulation and Steam related stuff on Linux// * [[Val Packett|]]