caption: readme created: 20171230044517252 modified: 20171230052355854 revision: 0 tags: title: $:/plugins/ebalster/condition/readme type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The ''Condition'' plugin for TiddlyWiki, version {{$:/plugins/ebalster/condition!!version}}, by Evan Balster. This plugin defines widgets that will either show or hide their contents depending on a condition. Unlike the closely-related reveal widget, condition widgets do //not// retain their content, and do not support animation or popups. Conditions may be based on variables, macros or filtered attributes. It can also be used with the [[Formula Plugin]]. !!Truthiness Truthiness is a simple rule for whether a value triggers an "if" widget or not. Values are "truthy" if they do not match any of the "falsy" values below: * The number `0`, including any decimal point. * `false` * `undefined` * `null` * Blank (no text) This matching is case-insensitive, and any whitespace before or after the value will be ignored. !!If Widget The `$if` widget will show its content based on whether a value is "truthy", or matches another value. |Attribute|Meaning|h |value|''Required.'' Content is shown if `value` is truthy.| |match|Optional. If present, `value` and `match` must equal //exactly// for content to be shown. (Truthiness doesn't matter.)| |not|Inverts the condition, so the value will be shown if it would be hidden and vice versa.| For example, ``` <$if not value={{$:/StoryList}}> No tiddlers are open right now! ``` !!Else Widget The `$else` widget has no attributes. It must be placed after one of the conditional widgets listed below, and will only show its contents if the preceding widget is //not// showing its content. |After...|Show contents when...|h |`$if`
`$else-if`|None of the previous if-conditions was true.| |`$list`|The list is empty. `$else` can be used instead of emptyMessage.| |`$reveal`|The contents of the reveal widget are hidden.| |`$else`|An else after an else will //never// be shown.| For example: ``` <$if value={{{[tag[Note]]}}}> !!My notes: <$list filter="[tag[Note]]"> - {{!!title}} <$else> !!I don't have any notes... ``` Note that the else widget can't have any blank lines between it and the preceding widget. !!Else-If Widget The `$else-if` widget is a combination of the `$else` and `$if` widgets, and has the same attributes as the `$if` widget. Its content will only be displayed if the previous widget is //not// showing its content //and// the `$if`-condition is true. `$else-if` widgets can be used to perform a "chain" of tests, showing some text based on the first condition that passes (or fails). For example: ``` Something approaches... <$if value={{!!animal}} match=cat> Meow! <$else-if value={{!!animal}} match=dog> Bark! <$else-if value={{!!animal}} match=bird> Tweet! <$else> This isn't like any animal you've seen before. ``` !!Help & Support This plugin is a work in progress; seek help with it on the TiddlyWiki Google Group:!forum/tiddlywiki Or E-mail me directly: [[|mailto://]]