created: 20230215232019778 creator: Octt modified: 20231029002226194 modifier: Octt tags: Console Gaming Sony title: PlayStation 2 <<^WikipediaFrame "PlayStation 2" en>> * <> !!! Emulators * <> * <> <<[# Compatibility "">> --- promising open-source emulator but still really slow on mobile, and slow development because only 1 person does it, it would be good to donate to them. * [[AetherSX2|]] abandoned //emulator of the PS Two console for the Android platform, desktop, UWP//, miles better than DamonPS2 despite the problems. ** Latest Android version (Google Play and website) is sabotaged, contains adware and reportedly runs worse, apparently latest good is [[v1.4-3060|]]. * [[DamonPS2|]] --- The shadiest PS2 emulator in global, the only illegal PS2 emulator on Android, proven malware (adware for sure and spyware for all the permissions it requires, and potentially a backdoor). ** [[Stole PCSX2 code without at all respecting the license|]], and also [[steals trademarks like the PPSSPP name|]]. Don't give them any money, find a cracked pro APK without ads if you really want to use it, and (as a random user on Reddit said) [[pirate the shit out of it and don't feel bad about it|]], really you won't be doing anything more wrong than buying, because ''official DamonPS2 is in itself an illegal pirated version of PCSX2''. They also consistently deny the evidence of stolen code and use an <> as if that would mean anything when talking international copyright. ** Some people speculate that among the individuals that harassed Tahlreth there could also have been DamonPS2 developers/henchmen, desperate to make the wonderful AetherSX2 end after they failed at destroying it by fake DMCA requests.