created: 20230112115019993 modified: 20230206111552455 modifier: Octt tags: TiddlyWiki MediaWiki $:/i18n:en title: Wikitext:en <> !!! ''MediaWiki's vs TiddlyWiki's Wikitext'' ''Documentation'': [[Wikipedia's|]] | [[TiddlyWiki's|]] !!!! ''Equalities'' * ''Unordered and Ordered Lists'' * ''Break lines'': A single newline doesn't break the text, an empty line starts a new paragraph. !!!! ''Differences'' ||''MediaWiki''|''TiddlyWiki''| |''Headings''|Name enclosed in a pair of //equals//:
`=== Heading 3 ===`|Name preceded by //bangs//:
`!!! Heading 3`| |''Bold'':
Text enclosed in a pair of:|3 //apostrophes//:
`'''Text'''`|2 //apostrophes//:
`''Text''`| |''Italics'':
Text enclosed in a pair of:|2 //apostrophes//:
`''Text''`|2 //slashes//:
`//Text//`| |''Indentation''|`Indentation as used on talk pages:`
`:Each colon at the start of a line`
`::causes the line to be indented by three more character positions.`|N/A| |''Horizontal Rule''|4 or more //dashes//:
`----`|3 or more //dashes//:
`---`| |''Hard Linebreaks''|N/A|Text enclosed in 3 //quotes//:
`Still Text`
`"""`| |''Links''|Target first, Name last|Name first, Target last|